Setting up a NFS share in FreeNAS

This setup is quite different to how you would normally setup NFS on a *nix server.
I only use NFS in read only mode due to security concerns with NFS.
There are very few options you can configure and there is no point in modifying the /etc/rc.conf /etc/exports and there is no point in adding /etc/hosts.deny, /etc/hosts.allow

as they will be removed on server reboot. Hopefully these options will be added in the future or at least a work around made available.
Ideally I’d like to add the


option to the /etc/exports but there is no point as it’s not persisted to hard disk.

In the Web UI under Services|NFS leave Number of servers as default of 4 and check the enable box. This options will allow 4 concurrent users to be logged into the share.

In the Web UI under Services|NFS|Shares add a share with Path of /mnt/FileServer/myNFSshare Network

Have to set Map all users to root to Yes. This is the same as including the no_root_squash option that can be put in the /etc/exports on a *nix box, but normally I’d choose root_squash, but this doesn’t work well for mounting at boot without the


option in the /etc/exports
Setup my authorised network, All dirs and Read only to yes.

Added the following lines to /etc/rc.conf in FreeNAS as per this link


Didn’t need the below line adding to the client machines /etc/rc.conf, although this said I did.


After I restarted the server, the


line was removed and the /mnt/.ssh dir was removed.
I no longer had key pair auth for SSH.
So had to go through the process of setting up that again.
The problem was any changes to /etc are not persisted to disk, so after a reboot it’s reset as it’s the FreeNAS ROM.
Matt Rude helped out with this

What I did was copy the /etc/rc.conf to my ~ which is /mnt/FileServer/home/myuser
Add the options again in /mnt/FileServer/home/myuser/rc.conf
Only the last option was actually not present and needed to be added.
Create a link from /etc/rc.conf to /mnt/FileServer/home/myuser/rc.conf

ln -s /mnt/FileServer/home/myuser/rc.conf /etc/rc.conf

Renamed the /etc/exports on the file server
Check the exports man page for the options…
Created an exports in /mnt/FileServer/home/myuser/ and added the following lines:

/mnt/FileServer/media -alldirs,ro -mapall=myuser:family -network -mask
/mnt/FileServer/media -alldirs,ro -mapall=otheruser:family -network -mask

Link the /etc/exports to /mnt/FileServer/home/myuser/exports

ln -s /mnt/FileServer/home/myuser/exports /etc/exports

None of the above links worked as they are removed on server reboot.
So basically the only options you have are on the Services|NFS web UI.

From here I created the /mnt/myfileserver/media directory on my client machines and set the myfileserver and media dir and perms to
/mnt/myfileserver was drwxrw—- myuser myusergroup
/mnt/myfileserver/media was drwxr-x— myuser users

Tried to mount the exported nfs share:

# mount myfreenasservername:/mnt/FileServer/media /mnt/myfileserver/media

This worked. So unmounted it.

# umount /mnt/myfileserver/media

Updated the /etc/fstab on the client machines so myfreenasservername:/mnt/FileServer/media would be mounted to /mnt/myfileserver/media on the client machines at boot.
add this to your client machines /etc/fstab

myfileservername:/mnt/FileServer/media /mnt/myfileserver/media nfs ro,hard,intr 0 0

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2 Responses to “Setting up a NFS share in FreeNAS”

  1. Dutch Says:

    you should update this!

    Freenas above is now NAS4Free!

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