Archive for January, 2013

A Decent Console for Windows

January 19, 2013

On *nix we’re kind of spoilt when it comes to the CLI experience.
The console I use most in a GUI environment is the great terminator.


No, not that one.
This one


Multi tab, split screen, transparency, the works.
Then we’ve also got tmux (and a comparison between terminator and tmux).
Taking things further, we’ve got awesome

Well I’ve been looking for something similar for Windows for a while.
I’ve tried terminator on Cygwin, but it’s just not the same, plus it only supports the single shell.

Meet Console2

Console2 PS

With PowerShell as the currently active tab.
It’s a stand alone executable and crucially it’s free.
Console2 is just that, a console or terminal that seems to be able to host any shell that’s thrown at it.
As you can see with the image above, I’ve setup Console2 to host the following shells:

  1. Windows Command shell
  2. The Visual Studio Command Prompt (which is just the Windows Command shell (with some paths and variables added?))
  3. PowerShell
  4. The node.js Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL)
  5. VMwares vSphere PowerCLI
  6. And of course the bash shell we all know and love.
    Cygwin required

Although project activity looks minimal to non existent currently.

How I setup Console2

Once running, right click the console -> Edit -> Settings…

  • Setup the hot keys under the Hotkeys node to behave like the terminal I use on Linux (currently terminator).
    • Select the specific command, put your cursor in the Hotkey text box, press your preferred key combination, press the Assign key.
    • For opening new tabs I use Ctrl+Shift+T
    • Change the Copy selection node to what it should be: Ctrl+C
    • Change the Past to what it should be: Ctrl+V
  • Under the Console node, enter the directory to have each shell start in
  • Under the Appearance/More… node, I deselect the Show menu, Show toolbar and Show status bar
    • I make sure the Window transparency is set to None, as it just distracts me being able to see stuff behind the surface I’m concentrating on.
      It looks cool to turn it on, but I personally find it harder to read the text when you’ve got to lots of text overlapping
    • Under the Behavior node, I turn on Copy on select, as this is on in Linux by default
  • Now under the Tabs node is where we set up all of our shells.
    • Click the Add button
    • Change the name you want the shell tab to appear as in the Main tab under the Title text box
    • Now for the Icons I just got images I wanted for them and opened them in GIMP and changed the size to 32×32 pixels and saved as .ico files to the same directory that the Console.exe runs from
    • I Then select them here
    • Under the Shell section I just copy the short cuts from the likes of the start menu and past them in there
    • You can then override the default startup dir by specifying your path in the Startup dir text box
    • You can also specify if you want the shell to run as a specific user. Administrator for example.
      When you run this shell, you’ll be prompted for the users credentials if it’s not you.

As I was working through the Console2 set up, I ran into another offering…

Meet ConEmu

The actively maintained ConEmu lives here.
I had a quick play with this and a flick through the documentation.
The simple tasks of setting up different shells as pre-sets seemed to evade me.
There seems to be a lot more configuration options too.
As I’d just set up the Console2 and it seemed to be doing everything I needed for now, I decided to call it quits with ConEmu.
I think it’s worth checking out though if you need more power than Console2.
Scott Hanselmans post on Conemu.

Generic Coding Standards and Guidelines

January 5, 2013

Merging Conventions to Aid Readability thus Reducing Development Time

When programming in a mixed-language environment,
the naming conventions, formatting conventions, documentation conventions, and other conventions,
can be optimised for overall consistency and readability.
This may mean going against convention for one or more of the languages that’s part of the mix.

For Example…

in many classical Object Oriented and procedural languages,
routine names have an initial capital letter (PascalCase).
The convention in JavaScript is for routine names to have an initial lower case letter (camelCase),
unless the routine is a constructor (intended to be used with the new prefix).
When a constructor is invoked without the new prefix,
the constructors this will be bound to the global object,
rather than where it should be…
The functions execution context.
When invoked with the new prefix as it should be,
the function object will be created with a hidden link to the value of the functions prototype,
and the functions this value will be bound to the function object (where it should be).
Because this convention has a very important reason,
your team may decide to carry that convention across the other languages you use.

Refactor or Document Short, Hard to Read Names

I don’t know how many times I see code that uses very short names which make readability difficult.
What’s worse, is that so often there are many different names that mean the same thing sprinkled across the project/s.
Short, hard to read, pronounce, or understand names are rarely needed with the programming languages of today.
Use easily and quickly readable names where ever possible.
If you have to use short names or abbreviations, keep them consistent.
Translation tables are good for this.
You can have a commented translation table at the beginning of a file,
or at the project level if the names are wider spread.
Names should be specific to the domain your working in, rather than to the programming language.

Meaningful Loop Index Names

If your loop is more than a couple of lines long or you have nested loops,
make your loop index name something meaningful,
rather than i, j, k etc.

Additional Thoughts

  • Code is read many more times than it is written.
    Make sure the names you choose favour read-time over write-time convenience.
  • If you have names that are general or vague enough to be used for multiple purposes,
    refactor your code, maybe create additional entities that have more specific names.
  • Don’t leave the meaning of the name to guess work.
    This taxes the programmers mind unnecessarily.
    There are better uses of our cycles.
  • Agree on and adopt a set of coding standards and guidelines.
    It’s more important to have standards than to not have them because you can’t agree on the “right” way.
    They will save wasted time and arguments during coding, and code reviewing.