Posts Tagged ‘Design Patterns’

A Handful of Singletons in C#

July 14, 2012

Recently I was involved in an interview where I was queried on the Singleton Creational design pattern.
I thought I’d share what I came up with.
In order of preference from most to least used.

Most used:
System.Lazy introduced in .Net 4.0
Sealing the class can help the Just In Time (JIT) compilation to optimise the IL.
Of course you also don’t want your singletons being extended,
but the fact that your constructor is private and default (takes no arguments),
guards against instantiation and sub-classing

Example 1

public sealed class KimsSingleton {

   // System.Lazy guarantees lazyness and thread safety
   private static readonly Lazy<KimsSingleton> _instance = new Lazy<KimsSingleton>(() => new KimsSingleton());

   // private, preventing any other class's from instantiating.
   // Also prevents creating child class's... which would create another instance, thus violating the pattern.
   private KimsSingleton() {

   // static so client code can call Instance property from class.
   public static KimsSingleton Instance {
      get {
         return _instance.Value;

.Net guarantees lazy initialisation if the type is not marked with beforefieldinit.
Although it could be more lazy. See example 3 for one way to do this.
Marking the types constructor as static tells the compiler not to mark the type with beforefieldinit in the IL,
thus giving us laziness.
This is also thread safe.
In C#, static constructor will execute only once (per AppDomain),
either on instantiation, or when a static member is referenced for the first time.

Example 2

public sealed class KimsSingleton {
   private static readonly KimsSingleton _instance = new KimsSingleton();

   static KimsSingleton() {

   private KimsSingleton() {

   public static KimsSingleton Instance {
      get {
         return _instance;

Example 3

public sealed class KimsSingleton {
   private KimsSingleton() {

   public static KimsSingleton Instance {
      get {
         return Nested._instance;

   private class Nested {
      static Nested() {
      // This gives us more laziness than than example 2,
      // because the only static member that can initialise is the static instance member in Nested.
      internal static readonly KimsSingleton _instance = new KimsSingleton();

One more way that I’ve seen used quite a few times that starts to fall apart.
Even the GoF guys do this example.
Head First Design Patterns do it as well (not good!),
although they use the volatile keyword which helps.
Lets look at where it falls apart.
If performance is an issue, stay away from this way.
If you fail to declare your instance member as volatile,
the exact position of the read / write may be changed by the compiler.
I don’t use this method.

Example 4

public sealed class Singleton {
   private volatile static Singleton _instance;
   private static readonly object _lock = new object();

   private Singleton() {

   public static Singleton getInstance() {
      if (_instance == null) {
         // Lock area where instance is created
         lock(_lock) {
            if (_instance == null) {
               _instance = new Singleton();
      return _instance;

There are quite a few other ways of implementing the singleton.
Many of which are flawed to some degree.
So I generally stick with the above implementations.

Keeping your events thread safe

March 11, 2012

An area I’ve noticed where engineers often forget to think about synchronization is where firing events.
Now I’m going to go over a little background on C# delegates quickly just to refresh what we learnt or should have learnt years ago at the beginnings of the C# language.

It seems to be a common misconception, that all that is needed to keep synchronisation,
is to check the delegate (technically a MulticastDelegate, or in architectural terms the publisher of the publish-subscribe pattern (more commonly known as the observer pattern)) for null.

Defining the publisher without using the event keyword

public class Publisher {
   // ...

   // Define the delegate data type
   public delegate void MyDelegateType();

   // Define the event publisher
   public MyDelegateType OnStateChange {
      get{ return _onStateChange;}
      set{ _onStateChange = value;}
   private MyDelegateType _onStateChange;

   // ...

When you declare a delegate, you are actually declaring a MulticastDelegate.
The delegate keyword is an alias for a type derived from System.MulticastDelegate.
When you create a delegate, the compiler automatically employs the System.MulticastDelegate type rather than the System.Delegate type.
When you add a method to a multicast delegate, the MulticastDelegate class creates a new instance of the delegate type, stores the object reference and the method pointer for the added method into the new instance, and adds the new delegate instance as the next item in a list of delegate instances.
Essentially, the MulticastDelegate keeps a linked list of Delegate objects.

It’s possible to assign new subscribers to delegate instances, replacing existing subscribers with new subscribers by using the = operator.
Most of the time what is intended is actually the += operator (implemented internally by using System.Delegate.Combine()).
System.Delegate.Remove() is what’s used when you use the -+ operator on a delegate.

class Program {
   public static void Main() {

      Publisher publisher = new Publisher();
      Subscriber1 subscriber1 = new Subscriber1();
      Subscripber2 subscripber2 = new Subscripber2();

      publisher.OnStateChange = subscriber1.OnStateChanged;

      // Bug: assignment operator overrides previous assignment.
      // if using the event keyword, the assignment operator is not supported for objects outside of the containing class.
      publisher.OnStateChange = subscriber2.OnStateChanged;


Another short coming of the delegate is that delegate instances are able to be invoked outside of the containing class.

class Program {
   public static void Main() {
      Publisher publisher = new Publisher();
      Subscriber1 subscriber1 = new Subscriber1();
      Subscriber2 subscriber2 = new Subscriber2();

      publisher.OnStateChange += subscriber1.OnStateChanged;
      publisher.OnStateChange += subscriber2.OnStateChanged;

      // lack of encapsulation

C# Events come to the rescue

in the form of the event keyword.
The event keyword address’s the above problems.

The modified Publisher looks like the following:

public class Publisher {
   // ...

   // Define the delegate data type
   public delegate void MyDelegateType();

   // Define the event publisher
   public event MyDelegateType OnStateChange;

   // ...

Now. On to synchronisation

The following is an example from the GoF guys with some small modifications I added.
You’ll also notice, that the above inadequacies are taken care of.
Now if the Stock.OnChange is not accessed by multiple threads, this code is fine.
If it is accessed by multiple threads, it’s not fine.
Why I hear you ask?
Well, between the time the null check is performed on the Change event
and when Change is fired, Change could be set to null, by another thread.
This will of course produce a NullReferenceException.

The code on lines 59,60 is not atomic.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DoFactory.GangOfFour.Observer.NETOptimized {
    /// <summary>
    /// MainApp startup class for .NET optimized
    /// Observer Design Pattern.
    /// </summary>
    class MainApp {
        /// <summary>
        /// Entry point into console application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main() {
            // Create IBM stock and attach investors
            var ibm = new IBM(120.00);

            // Attach 'listeners', i.e. Investors
            ibm.Attach(new Investor { Name = "Sorros" });
            ibm.Attach(new Investor { Name = "Berkshire" });

            // Fluctuating prices will notify listening investors
            ibm.Price = 120.10;
            ibm.Price = 121.00;
            ibm.Price = 120.50;
            ibm.Price = 120.75;

            // Wait for user

    // Custom event arguments
    public class ChangeEventArgs : EventArgs {
        // Gets or sets symbol
        public string Symbol { get; set; }

        // Gets or sets price
        public double Price { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Subject' abstract class
    /// </summary>
    abstract class Stock {
        protected string _symbol;
        protected double _price;

        // Constructor
        public Stock(string symbol, double price) {
            this._symbol = symbol;
            this._price = price;

        // Event
        public event EventHandler<ChangeEventArgs> Change;

        // Invoke the Change event
        private void OnChange(ChangeEventArgs e) {
            // not thread safe
            if (Change != null)
                Change(this, e);

        public void Attach(IInvestor investor) {
            Change += investor.Update;

        public void Detach(IInvestor investor) {
            Change -= investor.Update;

        // Gets or sets the price
        public double Price {
            get { return _price; }
            set {
                if (_price != value) {
                    _price = value;
                    OnChange(new ChangeEventArgs { Symbol = _symbol, Price = _price });

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteSubject' class
    /// </summary>
    class IBM : Stock {
        // Constructor - symbol for IBM is always same
        public IBM(double price)
            : base("IBM", price) {

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'Observer' interface
    /// </summary>
    interface IInvestor {
        void Update(object sender, ChangeEventArgs e);

    /// <summary>
    /// The 'ConcreteObserver' class
    /// </summary>
    class Investor : IInvestor {
        // Gets or sets the investor name
        public string Name { get; set; }

        // Gets or sets the stock
        public Stock Stock { get; set; }

        public void Update(object sender, ChangeEventArgs e) {
            Console.WriteLine("Notified {0} of {1}'s " +
                "change to {2:C}", Name, e.Symbol, e.Price);

At least we don’t have to worry about the += and -= operators. They are thread safe.

Ok. So how do we make it thread safe?
Now I’ll do my best not to make your brain hurt.
We can assign a local copy of the event and then check that instead.
How does that work you say?
The Change delegate is a reference type.
You may think that  threadSafeChange references the same location as Change,
thus any changes to Change would also be reflected in threadSafeChange.
That’s not the case though.
Change += investor.Update does not add a new delegate to Change, but assigns it a new MulticastDelegate,
which has no effect on the original MulticastDelegate that threadSafeChange also references.

The reference part of reference type local variables is stored on the stack.
A new stack frame is created for each thread with every method call
(whether its an instance or static method).
All local variables are safe…
so long as they are not reference types being passed to another thread or being passed to another thread by ref.
So, only one thread can access the threadSafeChange instance.

private void OnChange(ChangeEventArgs e) {
   // assign reference to heap allocated memory to stack allocated implements thread safety
   EventHandler<ChangeEventArgs> threadSafeChange = Change;
   if ( threadSafeChange != null)
      threadSafeChange(this, e);

Now for a bit of error handling

If one subscriber throws an exception, any subscribers later in the chain do not receive the publication.
One way to get around this problem, is to semantically override the enumeration of the subscribers.
Thus providing the error handling.

private void OnChange(ChangeEventArgs e) {
   // assign reference to heap allocated memory to stack allocated implements thread safety
   EventHandler<ChangeEventArgs> threadSafeChange = Change;
   if ( threadSafeChange != null) {
      foreach(EventHandler<ChangeEventArgs> handler in Change.GetInvocationList()) {
         try {
            //if subscribers delegate methods throw an exception, we'll handle in the catch and carry on with the next delegate
            handler(this, e);
            // if we only want to allow a single subscriber
            if (Change.GetInvocationList().Length > 1)
               throw new Exception("Too many subscriptions to the Stock.Change" /*, provide a meaningful inner exception*/);
         catch (Exception exception) {
            // what we do here depends on what stage of development we are in.
            // if we're in early stages, pre-release, fail early and hard.

Discussion on Class Construction Techniques

October 10, 2010

I had a discussion with some work colleges a short while ago,
around a couple of different techniques of constructing a class object.
The two approaches involved in the discussion where…

  1. Should we prefer constructing an object by providing public access to its members and initialising them external to the class, like the Builder pattern does?
  2. Or by initialising the objects members within its constructor, I.E. like the Factory Method and Abstract Factory does?

My take on this, was that it would be best object oriented practice to keep the initialisation of the objects members within the constructor if possible.
As far as I’m aware, there seems to be more support for the “keeping initialisation within the constructor”.

Some of my supporting arguments were the following

From Steve McConnell’s Code Complete

Chapter 6: Working Classes
Initialise all member data in all constructors, if possible.
Initialising all data members in all constructors is an inexpensive defensive programming practice.

Chapter 10: General Issues in Using Variables
Initialise a class’s member data in its constructor.
Just as a routine’s variables should be initialised within each routine, a class’s data should be initialised within its constructor.

Builder pattern verses the likes of the Factory Method and Abstract Factory.
Notice the Frequency of use for the Builder verses the other two?

Examples of class’s that know how to populate themselves


You can get code examples here if you’re not familiar with the patterns.
Any feedback on what people think about the before mentioned approaches would be great.