Archive for the ‘Architecture’ Category

Journey To Self Hosting

November 29, 2014

I was recently tasked with working out the best options for hosting web applications and their data for a client. This was their foray into whether to throw all their stuff into the cloud or to build their own infrastructure to host everything on.

Hosting Options

There are a lot of options available now. Most of which are derivatives of either external cloud or internal (possibly cloud). All of which come with features and some price tags that need to be weighed up. I’ve been collecting resources of providers and their offerings (both cloud and in-house) for quite a while. So I didn’t have to go far to pull them together for comparison.

All sites and apps require a different amount of each resource type to be allocated to them. For example many web sites are still predominantly static, which require more network band-width than any other resource, some memory, a little processing power and provided they’re being cached on the server, not a lot else. These resources are very cheap.

If you’re running an e-commerce site, then you can potentially add more Disk I/O which is usually the first bottleneck, processing power and space for your data store. Add in redundancy, backups and administration of.
Fast disks (or lets just call it storage) are cheap. In fact most hardware is cheap.

Administration of redundancy, backups and staying on top of security starts to cost more. Although the “staying on top of security” will need to be done whether you’re on someone else’s hardware or on your own. It’s just that it’s a lot easier on your own because you’re in control and dictate the amount of visibility you have.

The Cloud

The Cloud


It’s out of your hands.
Indeed it is, in more ways than one. Your trust is going to have to be honoured here (or not). Yes you have SLA’s, but what guarantee do the SLA’s give you that the people working on your system and data are not having a bad day. Maybe they’ve broken up with their girlfriend, or what ever. It takes very little to miss something that could drastically compromise your system and or data.

VPS’s can be spun up quickly, but remember, good things take time. Everything has a cost. Things are quick and easy for a reason. There is a cost to this, think about what those (often hidden) costs are.

In some cases it can be cheaper, but you get what you pay for.


Your are trusting others with your data. Even others that you are not aware of. In many cases, hosting providers can be (and in many cases are) forced by governments and other agencies to give up your secrets. This is very common place now and you may not even know it’s happened.

Your provider may go out of business.

There is an inherent lack of security in all the cloud providers I’ve looked at and worked with. They will tell you they take security seriously, but when someone that understands security inspects how they do things, the situation often looks like Swiss cheese.

In-House Cloud

In-House Cloud


You are in control of your data and your application, providing you or “your” staff:

  • and/or external consultants are competent and haven’t made mistakes in setting up your infrastructure
  • Are patching all software/firmware involved
  • Are Fastidiously hardening your server/s (this is continuous. It doesn’t stop at the initial set-up)
  • Have set-up the routes and firewall rules correctly
  • Have the correct alerts set-up
  • Have implemented Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDS’s/IPS’s)
  • Have penetration tested the set-up and not just from a technical perspective. It’s often best to get pairs to do the reviews.

The list goes on. If you are at all in doubt, that’s where you consider the alternatives. In saying that, most hosting and cloud providers perform abysmally, despite their claims that your applications and data is safe with them.

It “can” cost less than entrusting your system and data to someone (or many someone’s) on the other side of the planet. Weigh up the costs. They will not always be what they appear at face value.

Hardware is very cheap.


Potential lack of in-house skills.

People with the right skills and attitudes are not cheap.

It may not be core business. You may not have the necessary capitols in-house to scope, architect, cost, set-up, administer. Potentially you could hire someone to do the initial work and the on going administration. The amount of on going administration will be partly determined by what your hosting. Generally speaking hosting company web sites, blogs etc, will require less work than systems with distributed components and redundancy.

Spinning up an instance to develop or prototype on, doesn’t have to be hard. In fact if you have some hardware, provisioning of VM images is usually quick and easy. There is actually a pro in this too… you decide how much security you want baked into these images and the processes taken to configure.

Consider download latencies from people you want to reach possibly in other countries.

In some cases it can be more expensive, but you get what you pay for.


The decision for this client was made to self host. There will be a follow up post detailing some of the hardening process I took for one of their Debian web servers.

Node.js Asynchronicity and Callback Nesting

July 26, 2014

Just a heads up before we get started on this… Chrome DevTools (v35) now has the ability to show the full call stack of asynchronous JavaScript callbacks. As of writing this, if you develop on Linux you’ll want the dev channel. Currently my Linux Mint 13 is 3 versions behind. So I had to update to the dev channel until I upgraded to the LTS 17 (Qiana).

All code samples can be found at GitHub.

Deep Callback Nesting

AKA callback hell, temple of doom, often the functions that are nested are anonymous and often they are implicit closures. When it comes to asynchronicity in JavaScript, callbacks are our bread and butter. In saying that, often the best way to use them is by abstracting them behind more elegant APIs.

Being aware of when new functions are created and when you need to make sure the memory being held by closure is released (dropped out of scope) can be important for code that’s hot otherwise you’re in danger of introducing subtle memory leaks.

What is it?

Passing functions as arguments to functions which return immediately. The function (callback) that’s passed as an argument will be run at some time in the future when the potentially time expensive operation is done. This callback by convention has it’s first parameter as the error on error, or as null on success of the expensive operation. In JavaScript we should never block on potentially time expensive operations such as I/O, network operations. We only have one thread in JavaScript, so we allow the JavaScript implementations to place our discrete operations on the event queue.

One other point I think that’s worth mentioning is that we should never call asynchronous callbacks synchronously unless of course we’re unit testing them, in which case we should be rarely calling them asynchronously. Always allow the JavaScript engine to put the callback into the event queue rather than calling it immediately, even if you already have the result to pass to the callback. By ensuring the callback executes on a subsequent turn of the event loop you are providing strict separation of the callback being allowed to change data that’s shared between itself (usually via closure) and the currently executing function. There are many ways to ensure the callback is run on a subsequent turn of the event loop. Using asynchronous API’s like setTimeout and setImmediate allow you to schedule your callback to run on a subsequent turn. The Promises/A+ specification (discussed below) for example specifies this.

The Test

var assert = require('assert');
var should = require('should');
var requireFrom = require('requirefrom');
var sUTDirectory = requireFrom('post/nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting');
var nestedCoffee = sUTDirectory('nestedCoffee');

describe('nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting post integration test suite', function (done) {
   // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 2.
   var minutes = 32;
   this.timeout(60000 * minutes);
   it('Test the ugly nested callback coffee machine', function (done) {

      var result = function (error, state) {
         var stateOutCome;
         var expectedErrorOutCome = null;
         if(!error) {
            stateOutCome = 'The state of the ordered coffee is: ' + state.description;
            stateOutCome.should.equal('The state of the ordered coffee is: beautiful shot!');
         } else {
  , expectedErrorOutCome, 'brew encountered an error. The following are the error details: ' + error.message);

lets test

The System Under Test

'use strict';

module.exports = function nestedCoffee() {

   // We don't do instant coffee ####################################

   var boilJug = function () {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
   var addInstantCoffeePowder = function () {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('Crappy instant coffee powder is being added.');
   var addSugar = function () {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('Sugar is being added.');
   var addBoilingWater = function () {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('Boiling water is being added.');
   var stir = function () {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('Coffee is being stirred. Hmm...');

   // We only do real coffee ########################################

   var heatEspressoMachine = function (state, callback) {
      var error = undefined;
      var wrappedCallback = function () {
         console.log('Espresso machine heating cycle is done.');
         if(!error) {
            callback(error, state);
         } else
            console.log('wrappedCallback encountered an error. The following are the error details: ' + error);
      // Flick switch, check water.
      console.log('Espresso machine has been turned on and is now heating.');
      // Mutate state.
      // If there is an error, wrap callback with our own error function

      // Even if you call setTimeout with a time of 0 ms, the callback you pass is placed on the event queue to be called on a subsequent turn of the event loop.
      // Also be aware that setTimeout has a minimum granularity of 4ms for timers nested more than 5 deep. For several reasons we prefer to use setImmediate if we don't want a 4ms minimum wait.
      // setImmediate will schedule your callbacks on the next turn of the event loop, but it goes about it in a smarter way. Read more about it here:
      // If you are using setImmediate and it's not available in the browser, use the polyfill:
      // For this, we need to wait for our huge hunk of copper to heat up, which takes a lot longer than a few milliseconds.
         // Once espresso machine is hot callback will be invoked on the next turn of the event loop...
         wrappedCallback, espressoMachineHeatTime.milliseconds
   var grindDoseTampBeans = function (state, callback) {
      // Perform long running action.
      console.log('We are now grinding, dosing, then tamping our dose.');
      // To save on writing large amounts of code, the callback would get passed to something that would run it at some point in the future.
      // We would then return immediately with the expectation that callback will be run in the future.
      callback(null, state);
   var mountPortaFilter = function (state, callback) {
      // Perform long running action.
      console.log('Porta filter is now being mounted.');
      // To save on writing large amounts of code, the callback would get passed to something that would run it at some point in the future.
      // We would then return immediately with the expectation that callback will be run in the future.
      callback(null, state);
   var positionCup = function (state, callback) {
      // Perform long running action.
      console.log('Placing cup under portafilter.');
      // To save on writing large amounts of code, the callback would get passed to something that would run it at some point in the future.
      // We would then return immediately with the expectation that callback will be run in the future.
      callback(null, state);
   var preInfuse = function (state, callback) {
      // Perform long running action.
      console.log('10 second preinfuse now taking place.');
      // To save on writing large amounts of code, the callback would get passed to something that would run it at some point in the future.
      // We would then return immediately with the expectation that callback will be run in the future.
      callback(null, state);
   var extract = function (state, callback) {
      // Perform long running action.
      console.log('Cranking leaver down and extracting pure goodness.');
      state.description = 'beautiful shot!';
      // To save on writing large amounts of code, the callback would get passed to something that would run it at some point in the future.
      // We would then return immediately with the expectation that callback will be run in the future.

      // Uncomment the below to test the error.
      //callback({message: 'Oh no, something has gone wrong!'})
      callback(null, state);
   var espressoMachineHeatTime = {
      // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 0.2.
      minutes: 30,
      get milliseconds() {
         return this.minutes * 60000;
   var state = {
      description: ''
      // Other properties
   var brew = function (onCompletion) {
      // Some prep work here possibly.
      heatEspressoMachine(state, function (err, resultFromHeatEspressoMachine) {
         if(!err) {
            grindDoseTampBeans(state, function (err, resultFromGrindDoseTampBeans) {
               if(!err) {
                  mountPortaFilter(state, function (err, resultFromMountPortaFilter) {
                     if(!err) {
                        positionCup(state, function (err, resultFromPositionCup) {
                           if(!err) {
                              preInfuse(state, function (err, resultFromPreInfuse) {
                                 if(!err) {
                                    extract(state, function (err, resultFromExtract) {
                                          onCompletion(null, state);
                                          onCompletion(err, null);
                                 } else
                                    onCompletion(err, null);
                           } else
                              onCompletion(err, null);
                     } else
                        onCompletion(err, null);
               } else
                  onCompletion(err, null);
         } else
            onCompletion(err, null);
   return {
      // Publicise brew.
      brew: brew

What’s wrong with it?

  1. It’s hard to read, reason about and maintain
  2. The debugging experience isn’t very informative
  3. It creates more garbage than adding your functions to a prototype
  4. Dangers of leaking memory due to retaining closure references
  5. Many more…

What’s right with it?

  • It’s asynchronous

Closures are one of the language features in JavaScript that they got right. There are often issues in how we use them though.   Be very careful of what you’re doing with closures. If you’ve got hot code, don’t create a new function every time you want to execute it.


  • Chapter 7 Concurrency of the Effective JavaScript book by David Herman


Alternative Approaches

Ranging from marginally good approaches to better approaches. Keeping in mind that all these techniques add value and some make more sense in some situations than others. They are all approaches for making the callback hell more manageable and often encapsulating it completely, so much so that the underlying workings are no longer just a bunch of callbacks but rather well thought out implementations offering up a consistent well recognised API. Try them all, get used to them all, then pick the one that suites your particular situation. The first two examples from here are blocking though, so I wouldn’t use them as they are, they are just an example of how to make some improvements.

Name your anonymous functions

  1. They’ll be easier to read and understand
  2. You’ll get a much better debugging experience, as stack traces will reference named functions rather than “anonymous function”
  3. If you want to know where the source of an exception was
  4. Reveals your intent without adding comments
  5. In itself will allow you to keep your nesting shallow
  6. A first step to creating more extensible code

We’ve made some improvements in the next two examples, but introduced blocking in the arrays prototypes forEach loop which we really don’t want to do.

Example of Anonymous Functions

var boilJug = function () {
   // Perform long running action
var addInstantCoffeePowder = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('Crappy instant coffee powder is being added.');
var addSugar = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('Sugar is being added.');
var addBoilingWater = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('Boiling water is being added.');
var stir = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('Coffee is being stirred. Hmm...');
var heatEspressoMachine = function () {
   // Flick switch, check water.
   console.log('Espresso machine is being turned on and is now heating.');
var grindDoseTampBeans = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('We are now grinding, dosing, then tamping our dose.');
var mountPortaFilter = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('Portafilter is now being mounted.');
var positionCup = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('Placing cup under portafilter.');
var preInfuse = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('10 second preinfuse now taking place.');
var extract = function () {
   // Perform long running action
   console.log('Cranking leaver down and extracting pure goodness.');

(function () {
   // Array.prototype.forEach executes your callback synchronously (that's right, it's blocking) for each element of the array.
   return [
      function (brewStep) {

anonymous functions

Example of Named Functions

Now satisfies all the points above, providing the same output. Hopefully you’ll be able to see a few other issues I’ve addressed with this example. We’re also no longer clobbering the global scope. We can now also make any of the other types of coffee simply with an additional single line function call, so we’re removing duplication.

var BINARYMIST = (function (binMist) { = {
      action: function (step) {

         return {
            boilJug: function () {
               // Perform long running action
            addInstantCoffeePowder: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('Crappy instant coffee powder is being added.');
            addSugar: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('Sugar is being added.');
            addBoilingWater: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('Boiling water is being added.');
            stir: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('Coffee is being stirred. Hmm...');
            heatEspressoMachine: function () {
               // Flick switch, check water.
               console.log('Espresso machine is being turned on and is now heating.');
            grindDoseTampBeans: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('We are now grinding, dosing, then tamping our dose.');
            mountPortaFilter: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('Portafilter is now being mounted.');
            positionCup: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('Placing cup under portafilter.');
            preInfuse: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('10 second preinfuse now taking place.');
            extract: function () {
               // Perform long running action
               console.log('Cranking leaver down and extracting pure goodness.');
      coffeeType: function (type) {
         return {
            'cappuccino': {
               brewSteps: function () {
                  return [
                     // Lots of actions
            'instant': {
               brewSteps: function () {
                  return [
            'macchiato': {
               brewSteps: function () {
                  return [
                     // Lots of actions
            'mocha': {
               brewSteps: function () {
                  return [
                     // Lots of actions
            'short black': {
               brewSteps: function () {
                  return [
      'brew': function (requestedCoffeeType) {
         var that = this;
         var brewSteps = this.coffeeType(requestedCoffeeType).brewSteps();
         // Array.prototype.forEach executes your callback synchronously (that's right, it's blocking) for each element of the array.
         brewSteps.forEach(function runCoffeeMakingStep(brewStep) {
   return binMist;

} (BINARYMIST || {/*if BINARYMIST is falsy, create a new object and pass it*/}));'short black');

named functions

Web Workers

I’ll address these in another post.

Create Modules


Legacy Modules (Server or Client side)

AMD Modules using RequireJS

CommonJS type Modules in Node.js

In most of the examples I’ve created in this post I’ve exported the system under test (SUT) modules and then required them into the test. Node modules are very easy to create and consume. requireFrom is a great way to require your local modules without explicit directory traversal, thus removing the need to change your require statements when you move your files that are requiring your modules.

NPM Packages


Here we get to consume npm packages in the browser.

Universal Module Definition (UMD)

ES6 Modules

That’s right, we’re getting modules as part of the specification (15.2). Check out this post by Axel Rauschmayer to get you started.


I’m not going to go into this here, but recursion can be used as a light weight solution to provide some logic to determine when to run the next asynchronous piece of work. Item 64 “Use Recursion for Asynchronous Loops” of the Effective JavaScript book provides some great examples. Do your self a favour and get a copy of David Herman’s book. Oh, we’re also getting tail-call optimisation in ES6.



Still creates more garbage unless your functions are on the prototype, but does provide asynchronicity. Now we can put our functions on the prototype, but then they’ll all be public and if they’re part of a process then we don’t want our coffee process spilling all it’s secretes about how it makes perfect coffee. In saying that, if our code is hot and we’ve profiled it and it’s a stand-out for using to much memory, we could refactor EventEmittedCoffee to have its function declarations added to EventEmittedCoffee.prototype and perhaps hidden another way, but I wouldn’t worry about it until it’s been proven to be using to much memory.

Events are used in the well known Ganf Of Four Observer (behavioural) pattern (which I discussed the C# implementation of here) and at a higher level the Enterprise Integration Publish/Subscribe pattern. The Observer pattern is used in quite a few other patterns also. The ones that spring to mind are Model View Presenter, Model View Controller. The pub/sub pattern is slightly different to the Observer in that it has a topic/event channel that sits between the publisher and the subscriber and it uses contractual messages to encapsulate and transmit it’s events.

Here’s an example of the EventEmitter …

The Test

var assert = require('assert');
var should = require('should');
var requireFrom = require('requirefrom');
var sUTDirectory = requireFrom('post/nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting');
var eventEmittedCoffee = sUTDirectory('eventEmittedCoffee');

describe('nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting post integration test suite', function () {
   // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 2.
   var minutes = 32;
   this.timeout(60000 * minutes);
   it('Test the event emitted coffee machine', function (done) {

      function handleSuccess(state) {
         var stateOutCome = 'The state of the ordered coffee is: ' + state.description;
         stateOutCome.should.equal('The state of the ordered coffee is: beautiful shot!');

      function handleFailure(error) {, 'brew encountered an error. The following are the error details: ' + error.message);

      // We could even assign multiple event handlers to the same event. We're not here, but we could.
      eventEmittedCoffee.on('successfulOrder', handleSuccess).on('failedOrder', handleFailure);


The System Under Test

'use strict';

var events = require('events'); // Core node module.
var util = require('util'); // Core node module.

var eventEmittedCoffee;
var espressoMachineHeatTime = {
   // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 0.2.
   minutes: 30,
   get milliseconds() {
      return this.minutes * 60000;
var state = {
   description: '',
   // Other properties
   error: ''

function EventEmittedCoffee() {

   var eventEmittedCoffee = this;

   function heatEspressoMachine(state) {
      // No need for callbacks. We can emit a failedOrder event at any stage and any subscribers will be notified.

      function emitEspressoMachineHeated() {
         console.log('Espresso machine heating cycle is done.');
         eventEmittedCoffee.emit('espressoMachineHeated', state);
      // Flick switch, check water.
      console.log('Espresso machine has been turned on and is now heating.');
      // Mutate state.
         // Once espresso machine is hot event will be emitted on the next turn of the event loop...
         emitEspressoMachineHeated, espressoMachineHeatTime.milliseconds

   function grindDoseTampBeans(state) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('We are now grinding, dosing, then tamping our dose.');
      eventEmittedCoffee.emit('groundDosedTampedBeans', state);

   function mountPortaFilter(state) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('Porta filter is now being mounted.');
      eventEmittedCoffee.emit('portaFilterMounted', state);

   function positionCup(state) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('Placing cup under portafilter.');
      eventEmittedCoffee.emit('cupPositioned', state);

   function preInfuse(state) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('10 second preinfuse now taking place.');
      eventEmittedCoffee.emit('preInfused', state);

   function extract(state) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      console.log('Cranking leaver down and extracting pure goodness.');
      state.description = 'beautiful shot!';
      eventEmittedCoffee.emit('successfulOrder', state);
      // If you want to fail the order, replace the above two lines with the below two lines.
      // state.error = 'Oh no! That extraction came out far to fast.'
      // this.emit('failedOrder', state);

   eventEmittedCoffee.on('timeToHeatEspressoMachine', heatEspressoMachine).
   on('espressoMachineHeated', grindDoseTampBeans).
   on('groundDosedTampedBeans', mountPortaFilter).
   on('portaFilterMounted', positionCup).
   on('cupPositioned', preInfuse).
   on('preInfused', extract);

// Make sure util.inherits is before any prototype augmentations, as it seems it clobbers the prototype if it's the other way around.
util.inherits(EventEmittedCoffee, events.EventEmitter);

// Only public method.
EventEmittedCoffee.prototype.brew = function () {
   this.emit('timeToHeatEspressoMachine', state);

eventEmittedCoffee = new EventEmittedCoffee();

module.exports = eventEmittedCoffee;

With using raw callbacks, we have to pass them (functions) around. With events, we can have many interested parties request (subscribe) to be notified when something that our interested parties are interested in happens (the event). The Observer pattern promotes loose coupling, as the thing (publisher) wanting to inform interested parties of specific events has no knowledge of it’s subscribers, this is essentially what a service is.



Provides a collection of methods on the async object that:

  1. take an array and perform certain actions on each element asynchronously
  2. take a collection of functions to execute in specific orders asynchronously, some based on different criteria. The likes of async.waterfall allow you to pass results of a previous function to the next. Don’t underestimate these. There are a bunch of very useful routines.
  3. are asynchronous utilities

Here’s an example…

The Test

var assert = require('assert');
var should = require('should');
var requireFrom = require('requirefrom');
var sUTDirectory = requireFrom('post/nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting');
var asyncCoffee = sUTDirectory('asyncCoffee');

describe('nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting post integration test suite', function () {
   // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 2.
   var minutes = 32;
   this.timeout(60000 * minutes);
   it('Test the async coffee machine', function (done) {

      var result = function (error, resultsFromAllAsyncSeriesFunctions) {
         var stateOutCome;
         var expectedErrorOutCome = null;
         if(!error) {
            stateOutCome = 'The state of the ordered coffee is: '
               + resultsFromAllAsyncSeriesFunctions[resultsFromAllAsyncSeriesFunctions.length - 1].description;
            stateOutCome.should.equal('The state of the ordered coffee is: beautiful shot!');
         } else {
               'brew encountered an error. The following are the error details. message: '
                  + error.message
                  + '. The finished state of the ordered coffee is: '
                  + resultsFromAllAsyncSeriesFunctions[resultsFromAllAsyncSeriesFunctions.length - 1].description


The System Under Test

'use strict';

var async = require('async');
var espressoMachineHeatTime = {
   // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 0.2.
   minutes: 30,
   get milliseconds() {
      return this.minutes * 60000;
var state = {
   description: '',
   // Other properties
   error: null

module.exports = function asyncCoffee() {

   var brew = function (onCompletion) {
         function heatEspressoMachine(heatEspressoMachineDone) {
            // No need for callbacks. We can just pass an error to the async supplied callback at any stage and the onCompletion callback will be invoked with the error and the results immediately.

            function espressoMachineHeated() {
               console.log('Espresso machine heating cycle is done.');
            // Flick switch, check water.
            console.log('Espresso machine has been turned on and is now heating.');
            // Mutate state.
               // Once espresso machine is hot, heatEspressoMachineDone will be invoked on the next turn of the event loop...
               espressoMachineHeated, espressoMachineHeatTime.milliseconds
         function grindDoseTampBeans(grindDoseTampBeansDone) {
            // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
            console.log('We are now grinding, dosing, then tamping our dose.');
         function mountPortaFilter(mountPortaFilterDone) {
            // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
            console.log('Porta filter is now being mounted.');
         function positionCup(positionCupDone) {
            // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
            console.log('Placing cup under portafilter.');
         function preInfuse(preInfuseDone) {
            // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
            console.log('10 second preinfuse now taking place.');
         function extract(extractDone) {
            // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
            console.log('Cranking leaver down and extracting pure goodness.');
            // If you want to fail the order, uncomment the below line. May as well change the description too.
            // state.error = {message: 'Oh no! That extraction came out far to fast.'};
            state.description = 'beautiful shot!';
            extractDone(state.error, state);


   return {
      // Publicise brew.
      brew: brew

Other Similar Useful libraries

Adding to Prototype

Check out my post on prototypes. If profiling reveals you’re spending to much memory or processing time creating the objects that contain the functions that are going to be used asynchronously you could add the functions to the objects prototype like we did with the public brew method of the EventEmitter example above.


The concepts of promises and futures which are quite similar, have been around a long time. their roots go back to 1976 and 1977 respectively. Often the terms are used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. You can think of the language agnostic promise as a proxy for a value provided by an asynchronous actions eventual success or failure. a promise is something tangible, something you can pass around and interact with… all before or after it’s resolved or failed. The abstract concept of the future (discussed below) has a value that can be mutated once from pending to either fulfilled or rejected on fulfilment or rejection of the promise.

Promises provide a pattern that abstracts asynchronous operations in code thus making them easier to reason about. Promises which abstract callbacks can be passed around and the methods on them chained (AKA Promise pipelining). Removing temporary variables makes it more concise and clearer to readers that the extra assignments are an unnecessary step.

JavaScript Promises

A promise (Promises/A+ thenable) is an object or sometimes more specifically a function with a then (JavaScript specific) method.
A promise must only change it’s state once and can only change from either pending to fulfilled or pending to rejected.

Semantically a future is a read-only property.
A future can only have its value set (sometimes called resolved, fulfilled or bound) once by one or more (via promise pipelining) associated promises.
Futures are not discussed explicitly in the Promises/A+, although are discussed implicitly in the promise resolution procedure which takes a promise as the first argument and a value as the second argument.
The idea is that the promise (first argument) adopts the state of the second argument if the second argument is a thenable (a promise object with a then method). This procedure facilitates the concept of the “future”

We’re getting promises in ES6. That means JavaScript implementers are starting to include them as part of the language. Until we get there, we can use the likes of these libraries.

One of the first JavaScript promise drafts was the Promises/A (1) proposal. The next stage in defining a standardised form of promises for JavaScript was the Promises/A+ (2) specification which also has some good resources for those looking to use and implement promises based on the new spec. Just keep in mind though, that this has nothing to do with the EcmaScript specification, although it is/was a precursor.

Then we have Dominic Denicola’s promises-unwrapping repository (3) for those that want to stay ahead of the solidified ES6 draft spec (4). Dominic’s repo is slightly less specky and may be a little more convenient to read, but if you want gospel, just go for the ES6 draft spec sections 25.4 Promise Objects and 7.5 Operations on Promise Objects which is looking fairly solid now.

The 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the evolutionary path of promises in JavaScript.

Node Support

Although it was decided to drop promises from Node core, we’re getting them in ES6 anyway. V8 already supports the spec and we also have plenty of libraries to choose from.

Node on the other hand is lagging. Node stable 0.10.29 still looks to be using version of V8 which still looks to be about 17 months from the beginnings of the first sign of native ES6 promises according to how I’m reading the V8 change log and the Node release notes.

So to get started using promises in your projects whether your programming server or client side, you can:

  1. Use one of the excellent Promises/A+ conformant libraries which will give you the flexibility of lots of features if that’s what you need, or
  2. Use the native browser promise API of which all ES6 methods on Promise work in Chrome (V8 -> Soon in Node), Firefox and Opera. Then polyfill using the likes of yepnope, or just check the existence of the methods you require and load them on an as needed basis. The cujojs or jakearchibald shims would be good starting points.

For my examples I’ve decided to use when.js for several reasons.

  • Currently in Node we have no native support. As stated above, this will be changing soon, so we’d be polyfilling everything.
  • It’s performance is the least worst of the Promises/A+ compliant libraries at this stage. Although don’t get to hung up on perf stats. In most cases they won’t matter in context of your module. If you’re concerned, profile your running code.
  • It wraps non Promises/A+ compliant promise look-a-likes like jQuery’s Deferred which will forever remain broken.
  • Is compliant with spec version 1.1

The following example continues with the coffee making procedure concept. Now we’ve taken this from raw callbacks to using the EventEmitter to using the Async library and finally to what I think is the best option for most of our asynchronous work, not only in Node but JavaScript anywhere. Promises. Now this is just one way to implement the example. There are many and probably many of which are even more elegant. Go forth explore and experiment.

The Test

var should = require('should');
var requireFrom = require('requirefrom');
var sUTDirectory = requireFrom('post/nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting');
var promisedCoffee = sUTDirectory('promisedCoffee');

describe('nodejsAsynchronicityAndCallbackNesting post integration test suite', function () {
   // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 2.
   var minutes = 32;
   this.timeout(60000 * minutes);
   it('Test the coffee machine of promises', function (done) {

      var numberOfSteps = 7;
      // We could use a then just as we've used the promises done method, but done is semantically the better choice. It makes a bigger noise about handling errors. Read the docs for more info.
         function handleValue(valueOrErrorFromPromiseChain) {


The System Under Test

'use strict';

var when = require('when');
var espressoMachineHeatTime = {
   // if you don't want to wait for the machine to heat up assign minutes: 0.2.
   minutes: 30,
   get milliseconds() {
      return this.minutes * 60000;
var state = {
   description: '',
   // Other properties
   errors: [],
   stepResults: []
function CustomError(message) {
   this.message = message;
   // return false
   return false;

function heatEspressoMachine(resolve, reject) {
   state.stepResults.push('Espresso machine has been turned on and is now heating.');
   function espressoMachineHeated() {
      var result;
      // result will be wrapped in a new promise and provided as the parameter in the promises then methods first argument.
      result = 'Espresso machine heating cycle is done.';
      // result could also be assigned another promise
      // Or call the reject
      //reject(new Error('Something screwed up here')); // You'll know where it originated from. You'll get full stack trace.
   // Flick switch, check water.
   console.log('Espresso machine has been turned on and is now heating.');
   // Mutate state.
      // Once espresso machine is hot, heatEspressoMachineDone will be invoked on the next turn of the event loop...
      espressoMachineHeated, espressoMachineHeatTime.milliseconds

// The promise takes care of all the asynchronous stuff without a lot of thought required.
var promisedCoffee = when.promise(heatEspressoMachine).then(
   function fulfillGrindDoseTampBeans(result) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      return 'We are now grinding, dosing, then tamping our dose.';
      // Or if something goes wrong:
      // throw new Error('Something screwed up here'); // You'll know where it originated from. You'll get full stack trace.
   function rejectGrindDoseTampBeans(error) {
      // Deal with the error. Possibly augment some additional insight and re-throw.
      if(state.errors[state.errors.length -1] !== error.message)
      throw new CustomError(error.message);
   function fulfillMountPortaFilter(result) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      return 'Porta filter is now being mounted.';
   function rejectMountPortaFilter(error) {
      // Deal with the error. Possibly augment some additional insight and re-throw.
      if(state.errors[state.errors.length -1] !== error.message)
      throw new Error(error.message);
   function fulfillPositionCup(result) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      return 'Placing cup under portafilter.';
   function rejectPositionCup(error) {
      // Deal with the error. Possibly augment some additional insight and re-throw.
      if(state.errors[state.errors.length -1] !== error.message)
      throw new CustomError(error.message);
   function fulfillPreInfuse(result) {
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      return '10 second preinfuse now taking place.';
   function rejectPreInfuse(error) {
      // Deal with the error. Possibly augment some additional insight and re-throw.
      if(state.errors[state.errors.length -1] !== error.message)
      throw new CustomError(error.message);
   function fulfillExtract(result) {
      state.description = 'beautiful shot!';
      state.stepResults.push('Cranking leaver down and extracting pure goodness.');
      // Perform long running action, delegating async tasks passing callback and returning immediately.
      return state;
   function rejectExtract(error) {
      // Deal with the error. Possibly augment some additional insight and re-throw.
      if(state.errors[state.errors.length -1] !== error.message)
      throw new CustomError(error.message);

).catch(CustomError, function (e) {
      // Only deal with the error type that we know about.
      // All other errors will propagate to the next catch. whenjs also has a finally if you need it.
      // Todo: KimC. Do the dealing with e.
      e.newCustomErrorInformation = 'Ok, so we have now dealt with the error in our custom error handler.';
      return e;
).catch(function (e) {
      // Handle other errors
      e.newUnknownErrorInformation = 'Hmm, we have an unknown error.';
      return e;

function brew() {
   return promisedCoffee;

// when's promise.catch is only supposed to catch errors derived from the native Error (etc) functions.
// Although in my tests, my catch(CustomError func) wouldn't catch it. I'm assuming there's a bug as it kept giving me a TypeError instead.
// Looks like it came from within the library. So this was a little disappointing.
CustomError.prototype = Error;

module.exports = function promisedCoffee() {
   return {
      // Publicise brew.
      brew: brew


Testing Asynchronous Code

All of the tests I demonstrated above have been integration tests. Usually I’d unit test the functions individually not worrying about the intrinsically asynchronous code, as most of it isn’t mine anyway, it’s C/O the EventEmitter, Async and other libraries and there is often no point in testing what the library maintainer already tests.

When you’re driving your development with tests, there should be little code testing the asynchronicity. Most of your code should be able to be tested synchronously. This is a big part of the reason why we drive our development with tests, to make sure your code is easy to test. Testing asynchronous code is a pain, so don’t do it much. Test your asynchronous code yes, but most of your business logic should be just functions that you join together asynchronously. When you’re unit testing, you should be testing units, not asynchronous code. When you’re concerned about testing your asynchronicity, that’s called integration testing. Which you should have a lot less of. I discuss the ratios here.

As of 1.18.0 Mocha now has baked in support for promises. For fluent style of testing promises we have Chai as Promised.


There are plenty of other resources around working with promises in JavaScript. For myself I found that I needed to actually work with them to solidify my understanding of them. With Chrome DevTool async option, we’ll soon have support for promise chaining.

Other Excellent Resources

And again all of the code samples can be found at GitHub.

Exploring JavaScript Prototypes

June 28, 2014

Not to be confused with the GoF Prototype pattern that defines a lot more than the simple JavaScript prototype. Although the abstract concept of the prototype is the same.

My intention with this post is to arm our developers with enough information around JavaScript prototypes to know when they are the right tool for the job as opposed to other constructs when considering how to create polymorphic JavaScript that’s performant and easy to maintain. Often performant code and easy to maintain code are in conflict with each other. I.E. if you want code that’s fast, it’s often hard to read and if you want code that’s really easy to read, it “may” not be as fast as it could/should be. So we make trade-offs.

Make your code as readable as possible in as many places as possible. The more eyes that are going to be on it, generally the more readable it needs to be. Where performance really matters, we “may” have to carefully sacrifice some precious readability to achieve the essential performance required. This really needs measuring though, because often we think we’re writing fast code that either doesn’t matter or that just isn’t fast. So we should always favour readability, then profile your running application in an environment as close to production as possible. This removes the guess work, which we usually get wrong anyway. I’m currently working on a Node.js performance blog post in which I’ll attempt to address many things to do with performance. What I’m finding a lot of the time is that techniques that I’ve been told are essential for fast code are all to often incorrect. We must measure.

Some background

Before we do the deep dive thing, lets step back for a bit. Why do prototypes matter in JavaScript? What do prototypes do for us? Where do prototypes fit into the design philosophy of JavaScript?

What do JavaScript Prototypes do for us?

Removal of Code Duplication (DRY)

Excellent for reducing unnecessary duplication of members that will need garbage collecting


Prototypes also allow us to maximise economy of memory, thus reducing Garbage Collection (GC) activity, thus increasing performance. There are other ways to get this performance though. Prototypes which obtain re-use of the parent object are not always the best way to get the performance benefits we crave. You can see here under the “Cached Functions in the Module Pattern” section that using closure (although not mentioned) which is what modules leverage, also gives us the benefit of re-use, as the free variable in the outer scope is baked into the closure. Just check the jsperf for proof.

The Design Philosophy of JavaScript and Prototypes

Prototypal inheritance was implemented in JavaScript as a key technique to support the object oriented principle of polymorphism. Prototypal inheritance provides the flexibility of being able to choose what the more specific object is going to inherit, rather than in the classical paradigm where you’re forced to inherit all the base class’s baggage whether you want it or not.

Three obvious ways to achieve polymorphism:

  1. Composition (creating an object that composes a contract to another object)(has-a relationship). Learn the pros and cons. Use when it makes sense
  2. Prototypal inheritance (is-a relationship). Learn the pros and cons. Use when it makes sense
  3. Monkey Patching courtesy of call, apply and bind
  4. Classical inheritance (is-a relationship). Why would you? Please don’t try this at home in production 😉

Of course there are other ways and some languages have unique techniques to achieve polymorphism. like templates in C++, generics in C#, first-class polymorphism in Haskell, multimethods in Clojure, etc, etc.

Diving into the Implementation Details

Before we dive into Prototypes…

What does Composition look like?

There are many great examples of how composing our objects from other object interfaces whether they’re owned by the composing object (composition), or aggregated from independent objects (aggregation), provide us with the building blocks to create complex objects to look and behave the way we want them to. This generally provides us with plenty of flexibility to swap implementation at will, thus overcoming the tight coupling of classical inheritance.

Many of the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns we know and love leverage composition and/or aggregation to help create polymorphic objects. There is a difference between aggregation and composition, but both concepts are often used loosely to just mean creating objects that contain other objects. Composition implies ownership, aggregation doesn’t have to. With composition, when the owning object is destroyed, so are the objects that are contained within the owner. This is not necessarily the case for aggregation.

An example: Each coffee shop is composed of it’s own unique culture. Each coffee shop has a different type of culture that it fosters and the unique culture is an aggregation of its people and their attributes. Now the people that aggregate the specific coffee shop culture can also be a part of other cultures that are completely separate to the coffee shops culture, they could even leave the current culture without destroying it, but the culture of the specific coffee shop can not be the same culture of another coffee shop. Every coffee shops culture is unique, even if only slightly.

Programmer Show Pony
programmer show pony

Following we have a coffeeShop that composes a culture. We use the Strategy pattern within the culture to aggregate the customers. The Visit function provides an interface to encapsulate the Concrete Strategy, which is passed as an argument to the Visit constructor and closed over by the describe method.

// Context component of Strategy pattern.
var Programmer = function () {
   this.casualVisit = {};
   this.businessVisit = {};
   // Add additional visit types.
// Context component of Strategy pattern.
var ShowPony = function () {
   this.casualVisit = {};
   this.businessVisit = {};
   // Add additional visit types.
// Add more persons to make a unique culture.

var customer = {
   setCasualVisitStrategy: function (casualVisit) {
      this.casualVisit = casualVisit;
   setBusinessVisitStrategy: function (businessVisit) {
      this.businessVisit = businessVisit;
   doCasualVisit: function () {
   doBusinessVisit: function () {

// Strategy component of Strategy pattern.
var Visit = function (description) {
   // description is closed over, so it's private. Check my last post on closures for more detail
   this.describe = function () {
      return description;

var coffeeShop;

Programmer.prototype = customer;
ShowPony.prototype = customer;

coffeeShop = (function () {
   var culture = {};
   var flavourOfCulture = '';
   // Composes culture. The specific type of culture exists to this coffee shop alone.
   var whatWeWantExposed = {
      culture: {
         looksLike: function () {


   // Other properties ...
   (function createCulture() {
      var programmer = new Programmer();
      var showPony = new ShowPony();
      var i = 0;
      var propertyName;

         // Concrete Strategy component of Strategy pattern.
         new Visit('Programmer walks to coffee shop wearing jeans and T-shirt. Brings dog, Drinks macchiato.')
         // Concrete Strategy component of Strategy pattern.
         new Visit('Programmer brings software development team. Performs Sprint Planning. Drinks long macchiato.')
         // Concrete Strategy component of Strategy pattern.
         new Visit('Show pony cycles to coffee shop in lycra pretending he\'s just done a hill ride. Struts past the ladies chatting them up. Orders Chai Latte.')
         // Concrete Strategy component of Strategy pattern.
         new Visit('Show pony meets business friends in suites. Pretends to work on his macbook pro. Drinks latte.')

      culture.members = [programmer, showPony, /*lots more*/];

      for (i = 0; i < culture.members.length; i++) {
         for (propertyName in culture.members[i]) {
            if (culture.members[i].hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {
               flavourOfCulture += culture.members[i][propertyName].describe() + '\n';

   return whatWeWantExposed;

// Programmer walks to coffee shop wearing jeans and T-shirt. Brings dog, Drinks macchiato.
// Programmer brings software development team. Performs Sprint Planning. Drinks long macchiato.
// Show pony cycles to coffee shop in lycra pretending he's just done a hill ride. Struts past the ladies chatting them up. Orders Chai Latte.
// Show pony meets business friends in suites. Pretends to work on his macbook pro. Drinks latte.

Now for Prototype

EcmaScript 5

In ES5 we’re a bit spoilt as we have a selection of methods on Object that help with prototypal inheritance.

Object.create takes an argument that’s an object and an optional properties object which is a EcmaScript 5 property descriptor like the second parameter of Object.defineProperties and returns a new object with the first argument passed as it’s prototype and the properties described in the property descriptor (if present) added to the returned object.

prototypal inheritance
// The object we use as the prototype for hobbit.
var person = {
   personType: 'Unknown',
   backingOccupation: 'Unknown occupation',
   age: 'Unknown'

var hobbit = Object.create(person);

Object.defineProperties(person, {
   'typeOfPerson': {
      enumerable: true,
      value: function () {
         if(arguments.length === 0)
            return this.personType;
         else if(arguments.length === 1 && typeof arguments[0] === 'string')
            this.personType = arguments[0];
            throw 'Number of arguments not supported. Pass 0 arguments to get. Pass 1 string argument to set.';
   'greeting': {
      enumerable: true,
      value: function () {
         console.log('Hi, I\'m a ' + this.typeOfPerson() + ' type of person.');
   'occupation': {
      enumerable: true,
      get: function () {return this.backingOccupation;},
      // Would need to add some parameter checking on the setter.
      set: function (value) {this.backingOccupation = value;}

// Add another property to hobbit.
hobbit.fatAndHairyFeet = 'Yes indeed!';
console.log(hobbit.fatAndHairyFeet); // 'Yes indeed!'
// prototype is unaffected
console.log(person.fatAndHairyFeet); // undefined

console.log(hobbit.typeOfPerson()); // 'Unknown '
hobbit.typeOfPerson('short and hairy');
console.log(hobbit.typeOfPerson()); // 'short and hairy'
console.log(person.typeOfPerson()); // 'Unknown'

hobbit.greeting(); // 'Hi, I'm a short and hairy type of person.'

person.greeting(); // 'Hi, I'm a Unknown type of person.'

console.log(hobbit.age); // 'Unknown'
hobbit.age = 'young';
console.log(hobbit.age); // 'young'
console.log(person.age); // 'Unknown'

console.log(hobbit.occupation); // 'Unknown occupation'
hobbit.occupation = 'mushroom hunter';
console.log(hobbit.occupation); // 'mushroom hunter'
console.log(person.occupation); // 'Unknown occupation'


// Returns the following:
// { personType: 'Unknown',
//   backingOccupation: 'Unknown occupation',
//   age: 'Unknown',
//   typeOfPerson: [Function],
//   greeting: [Function],
//   occupation: [Getter/Setter] }


EcmaScript 3

One of the benefits of programming in ES 3, is that we have to do more work ourselves, thus we learn how some of the lower level language constructs actually work rather than just playing with syntactic sugar. Syntactic sugar is generally great for productivity, but I still think there is danger of running into problems when you don’t really understand what’s happening under the covers.

So lets check out what really goes on with….

Prototypal Inheritance

What is a Prototype?

All objects have a prototype, but not all objects reveal their prototype directly by a property called prototype. All prototypes are objects.

So, if all objects have a prototype and all prototypes are objects, we have an inheritance chain right? That’s right. See the debug image below.

All properties that you may want to add to an objects prototype are shared through inheritance by all objects sharing the prototype.

So, if all objects have a prototype, where is it stored? All objects in JavaScript have an internal property called [[Prototype]]. You won’t see this internal property. All prototypes are stored in this internal property. How this internal property is accessed is dependant on whether it’s object is an object (object literal or object returned from a constructor) or a function. I discuss how this works below. When you dereference an object in order to find a property, the engine will first look on the current object, then the prototype of the current object, then the prototype of the prototype object and so on up the prototype chain. It’s a good idea to try and keep your inheritance hierarchies as shallow as possible for performance reasons.

Prototypes in Functions

Every function object is created with a prototype property, whether it’s a constructor or not. The prototype property has a value which is a constructor property which has a value that’s actually the function. See the below example to help clear it up. ES3 and ES5 spec 13.2 say pretty much the same thing.

var MyConstructor = function () {};
console.log(MyConstructor.prototype.constructor === MyConstructor); // true

and to help with visualising, see the below example and debug. myObj and myObjLiteral are for the two code examples below the debug image.

var MyConstructor = function () {};
var myObj = new MyConstructor();
var myObjLiteral = {};

Accessing JavaScript Prototypes


Up above in the composition example on line 40 and 41, you can see how we access the prototype of the constructor. We can also access the prototype of the object returned from the constructor like this:

var MyConstructor = function () {};
var myObj = new MyConstructor();
console.log(myObj.constructor.prototype === MyConstructor.prototype); // true

We can also do similar with an object literal. See below.

Prototypes in Objects that are Not Functions

Every object that is not a function is not created with a prototype property (All objects do have the hidden internal [[Prototype]] property though). Now sometimes you’ll see Object.prototype talked about. Even MDN make the matter a little confusing IMHO. In this case, the Object is the Object constructor function and as discussed above, all functions have the prototype property.

When we create object literals, the object we get is the same as if we ran the expression new Object(); (see ES3 and ES5 11.1.5)
So although we can access the prototype property of functions (that may or not be constructors), there is no such exposed prototype property directly on objects returned by constructors or on object literals.
There is however conveniently a constructor property directly on all objects returned by constructors and on object literals (as you can think of their construction procedure producing the same result). This looks similar to the above debug image:

var myObjLiteral = {};
            // ES3 ->                              // ES5 ->
console.log(myObjLiteral.constructor.prototype === Object.getPrototypeOf(myObjLiteral)); // true

I’ve purposely avoided discussing the likes of __proto__ as it’s not defined in EcmaScript and there’s no valid reason to use something that’s not standard.

Polyfilling to ES5

Now to get a couple of terms used in web development well defined before we start talking about them:

  • A shim is a library that brings a new API to an environment that doesn’t support it by using only what the older environment supports to support the new API.
  • A polyfill is some code in the form of a function, module, plugin, etc that provides the functionality of a later environment (ES5 for example) if it doesn’t exist for an older environment (ES3 for example). The polyfill often acts as a fallback. The programmer writes code targeting the newer environment as though the older environment doesn’t exist, but when the code is pulled into the older environment the polyfill kicks into action as the new language feature isn’t yet implemented natively.

If you’re supporting older browsers that don’t have full support for ES5, you can still use the ES5 additions so long as you provide ES5 polyfills. es5-shim is a good choice for this. Checkout the html5please ECMAScript 5 section for a little more detail. Also checkout Kangax’s ECMAScript 5 compatibility table to see which browsers currently support which ES5 language features. A good approach and one I like to take is to use a custom build of a library such as Lo-Dash to provide a layer of abstraction so I don’t need to care whether it’ll be in an ES5 or ES3 environment. Then for anything that the abstraction library doesn’t provide I’ll use a customised polyfill library such as es5-shim to fall back on. I prefer to use Lo-Dash over Underscore too, as I think Lo-Dash is starting to leave Underscore behind in terms of performance and features. I also like to use the likes of yepnope.js to conditionally load my polyfills based on whether they’re actually needed in the users browser. As there’s no point in loading them if we have browser support now is there?

Polyfilling Object.create as discussed above, to ES5

You could use something like the following that doesn’t accommodate an object of property descriptors. Or just go with the following next two choices which is what I do:

  1. Use an abstraction like the lodash create method which takes an optional second argument object of properties and treats them the same way
  2. Use a polyfill like this one.
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
   (function () {
      var F = function () {};
      Object.create = function (proto) {
         if (arguments.length > 1) {
            throw Error('Second argument not supported');
         if (proto === null) {
            throw Error('Cannot set a null [[Prototype]]');
         if (typeof proto !== 'object') {
            throw TypeError('Argument must be an object');
         F.prototype = proto;
         return new F();

Polyfilling Object.getPrototypeOf as discussed above, to ES5

  1. Use an abstraction like the lodash isPlainObject method (source here), or…
  2. Use a polyfill like this one. Just keep in mind the gotcha.


EcmaScript 6

I got a bit excited when I saw an earlier proposed prototype-for (also seen with the name prototype-of) operator: <| . Additional example here. This would have provided a terse syntax for providing an object literal with an object to use as its prototype. It looks like it must have lost traction though as it was removed in the June 15, 2012 Draft.

There are a few extra methods in ES6 that deal with prototypes, but on trawling the EcmaScript 6 draft spec, nothing at this stage that really stands out as revolutionising the way I write JavaScript or being a mental effort/time saver for me. Of course I may have missed something. I’d like to hear from anyone that has seen something interesting to the contrary?

Yes we’re getting class‘s in ES6, but they are just an abstraction giving us a terse and declarative mechanism for doing what we already do with functions that we use as constructors, prototypes and the objects (or instances if you will) that are returned from our functions that we’ve chosen to act as constructors.

Architectural Ideas that Prototypes Help With

This is a common example that I often use for domain objects that are fairly hot that use one set of accessor properties added to the business objects prototype, as you can see on line 13 of my Hobbit module (Hobbit.js) below.

First a quick look at the tests/spec to drive the development. This is being run using mocha with the help of a Makefile in the root directory of my module under test.

  • Makefile
# The relevant section.
	@NODE_ENV=test ./node_modules/.bin/mocha \
		test/unit/*test.js test/unit/**/*test.js
  • Hobbit-test.js
var requireFrom = require('requirefrom');
var assert = require('assert');
var should = require('should');
var shire = requireFrom('shire/');

// Hardcode $NODE_ENV=test for debugging.

describe('shire/Hobbit business object unit suite', function () {
   it('Should be able to instantiate a shire/Hobbit business object.', function (done) {
      // Uncomment below lines if you want to debug.
      //setTimeout(done, 444000);

      var Hobbit = shire('Hobbit');
      var hobbit = new Hobbit();

      // Properties should be declared but not initialised.
      // No good checking for undefined alone, as that would be true whether it was declared or not.'id');
      ( === undefined);'typeOfPerson');
      (hobbit.typeOfPerson === undefined);'greeting');
      (hobbit.greeting === undefined);'occupation');
      (hobbit.occupation === undefined);'emailFrom');
      (hobbit.emailFrom === undefined);'name');
      ( === undefined);      


   it('Should be able to set and get all properties of a shire/Hobbit business object.', function (done){
      // Uncomment below lines if you want to debug.
      setTimeout(done, 444000);

      // Arrange
      var Hobbit = shire('Hobbit');
      var hobbit = new Hobbit();      

      // Act = '32f4d01e-74dc-45e8-b3a8-9aa24840bc6a';
      hobbit.typeOfPerson = 'short and hairy';
      hobbit.greeting = {
         intro: 'Hi, I\'m a ',
         outro: ' type of person.'};
      hobbit.occupation = 'mushroom hunter';
      hobbit.emailFrom = 'Bilbo.Baggins@theshire.arn'; = 'Bilbo Baggins';

      // Assert'32f4d01e-74dc-45e8-b3a8-9aa24840bc6a');
      hobbit.typeOfPerson.should.equal('short and hairy');
      hobbit.greeting.should.equal('Hi, I\'m a short and hairy type of person.');
      hobbit.occupation.should.equal('mushroom hunter');
      hobbit.emailFrom.should.equal('Bilbo.Baggins@theshire.arn');'Bilbo Baggins');

  • Now the business object itself Hobbit.js

    Now what’s happening here is that on instance creation of new Hobbit, the empty members object you see created on line 9 is the only instance data. All of the Hobbit‘s accessor properties are defined once per export of the Hobbit module which is assigned the constructor function object. So what we store on each instance are the values assigned in the Hobbit-test.js from lines 47 through 54. That’s just the strings. So very little space is used for each instance of the Hobbit function returned by invoking the Hobbit constructor that the Hobbit module exports.
// Could achieve a cleaner syntax with Object.create, but constructor functions are a little faster.
// As this will be hot code, it makes sense to favour performance in this case.
// Of course profiling may say it's not worth it, in which case this could be rewritten.
var Hobbit = (function () {
   function Hobbit (/*Optionally Construct with DTO and serializer*/) {
      // Todo: Implement pattern for enforcing new.
      Object.defineProperty (this, 'members', {
         value: {}

   (function definePublicAccessors (){
      Object.defineProperties(Hobbit.prototype, {
         id: {
            get: function () {return;},
            set: function (newValue) {
               // Todo: Validation goes here.
      = newValue;
            configurable: false, enumerable: true
         typeOfPerson: {
            get: function () {return this.members.typeOfPerson;},
            set: function (newValue) {
               // Todo: Validation goes here.
               this.members.typeOfPerson = newValue;
            configurable: false, enumerable: true
         greeting: {
            get: function () {
               return this.members.greeting === undefined ?
                  undefined :
               this.members.greeting.intro +
                  this.typeOfPerson +
            set: function (newValue) {
               // Todo: Validation goes here.
               this.members.greeting = newValue;
            configurable: false, enumerable: true
         occupation: {
            get: function () {return this.members.occupation;},
            set: function (newValue) {
               // Todo: Validation goes here.
               this.members.occupation = newValue;
            configurable: false, enumerable: true
         emailFrom: {
            get: function () {return this.members.emailFrom;},
            set: function (newValue) {
               // Todo: Validation goes here.
               this.members.emailFrom = newValue;
            configurable: false, enumerable: true
         name: {
            get: function () {return;},
            set: function (newValue) {
               // Todo: Validation goes here.
      = newValue;
            configurable: false, enumerable: true

   return Hobbit;

// JSON.parse provides a hydrated hobbit from the DTO.
//    So you would call this to populate this DO from a DTO
// JSON.stringify provides the DTO from a hydrated hobbit

module.exports = Hobbit;
  • Now running the test
lets test


Flyweights using Prototypes

A couple of interesting examples of the Flyweight pattern implemented in JavaScript are by the GoF and Addy Osmani.

The GoF’s implementation of the FlyweightFactory makes extensive use of closure to store its flyweights and uses aggregation in order to create it’s ConcreteFlyweight from the Flyweight. It doesn’t use prototypes.

Addy Osmani has a free book “JavaScript Design Patterns” containing an example of the Flyweight pattern, which IMO is considerably simpler and more elegant. In saying that, the GoF want you to buy their product, so maybe they do a better job when you give them money. In this example closure is also used extensively, but it’s a good example of how to leverage prototypes to share your less specific behaviour.

Mixins using Prototypes

Again if you check out the last example of Mixins in Addy Osmani’s book, there is quite an elegant example.

We can even do multiple inheritance using mixins, by adding which ever properties we want from what ever objects we want to the target objects prototype.

This is a similar concept to the post I wrote on Monkey Patching.

Mixins support the Open/Closed principle, where objects should be able to have their behaviour modified without their source code being altered.

Keep in mind though, that you shouldn’t just expect all consumers to know you’ve added additional behaviour. So think this through before using.

Factory functions using Prototypes

Again a decent example of the Factory function pattern is implemented in the “JavaScript Design Patterns” book here.

There are many other areas you can get benefits from using prototypes in your code.

Prototypal Inheritance: Not Right for Every Job

Prototypes give us the power to share only the secrets of others that need to be shared. We have fine grained control. If you’re thinking of using inheritance be it classical or prototypal, ask yourself “Is the class/object I’m wanting to provide a parent for truly a more specific version of the proposed parent?”. This is the idea behind the Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP) and Design by Contract (DbC) which I posted on here. Don’t just inherit because it’s convenient In my “javascript object creation patterns” post I also discussed inheritance.

The general consensus is that composition should be favoured over inheritance. If it makes sense to compose once you’ve considered all options, then go for it, if not, look at inheritance. Why should composition be favoured over inheritance? Because when you compose your object from another contract of an object, your sub object (the object doing the composing) doesn’t inherit anything or need to know anything about the composed objects secrets. The object being composed has complete freedom as to how it minds it’s own business, so long as it provides a consistent contract for consumers. This gives us the much loved polymorphism we crave without the crazy tight coupling of classical inheritance (inherit everything, even your fathers drinking problem :-s).

I’m pretty much in agreement with this when we’re talking about classical inheritance. When it comes to prototypal inheritance, we have a lot more flexibility and control around how we use the object that we’re deriving from and exactly what we inherit from it. So we don’t suffer the same “all or nothing” buy in and tight coupling as we do with classical inheritance. We get to pick just the good parts from an object that we decide we want as our parent. The other thing to consider is the memory savings of inheriting from a prototype rather than achieving your polymorphic behaviour by way of composition, which has us creating the composed object each time we want another specific object.

So in JavaScript, we really are spoilt for choice when it comes to how we go about getting our fix of polymorphism.

When surveys are carried out on..

Why Software Projects Fail

the following are the most common causes:

  • Ambiguous Requirements
  • Poor Stakeholder Involvement
  • Unrealistic Expectations
  • Poor Management
  • Poor Staffing (not enough of the right skills)
  • Poor Teamwork
  • Forever Changing Requirements
  • Poor Leadership
  • Cultural & Ethical Misalignment
  • Inadequate Communication

You’ll notice that technical reasons are very low on the list of why projects fail. You can see the same point mentioned by many of our software greats, but when a project does fail due to technical reasons, it’s usually because the complexity got out of hand. So as developers when focusing on the art of creating good code, our primary concern should be to reduce complexity, thus enhance the ability to maintain the code going forward.

I think one of Edsger W. Dijkstra’s phrases sums it up nicely. “Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability”.

Stratification is a design principle that focuses on keeping the different layers in code autonomous, I.E. you should be able to work in one layer without having to go up or down adjacent layers in order to fully understand the current layer you’re working in. Its internals should be able to move independently of the adjacent layers without effecting them or being concerned that a change in it’s own implementation will affect other layers. Modules are an excellent design pattern used heavily to build medium to large JavaScript applications.

With composition, if your composing with contracts, this is exactly what you get.

References and interesting reads


Exploring JavaScript Closures

May 31, 2014

Just before we get started, we’ll be using the terms lexical scope and dynamic scope a bit. In computer science the term lexical scope is synonymous with static scope.

  • lexical or static scope is where name resolution of “part of a program” depends on the location in the source code
  • dynamic scope is whether name resolution depends on the program state (dependent on execution context or calling context) when the name is encountered.

What are Closures?

Now establishing the formal definition has been quite an interesting journey, with quite a few sources not quite getting it right. Although the ES3 spec talks about closure, there is no formal definition of what it actually is. The ES5 spec on the other hand does discuss what closure is in two distinct locations.

  1. “11.1.5 Object Initialiser” section under the section that talks about accessor properties This is the relevant text: (In relation to getters): “Let closure be the result of creating a new Function object as specified in 13.2 with an empty parameter list (that’s getter specific) and body specified by FunctionBody. Pass in the LexicalEnvironment of the running execution context as the Scope.
  2. “13 Function Definition” section This is the relevant text: “Let closure be the result of creating a new Function object as specified in 13.2 with parameters specified by FormalParameterList (which are optional) and body specified by FunctionBody. Pass in funcEnv as the Scope.

Now what are the differences here that stand out?

  1. We see that 1 specifies a function object with no parameters, and 2 specifies some parameters (optional). So from this we can establish that it’s irrelevant whether arguments are passed or not to create closure.
  2. 1 also mentions passing in the LexicalEnvironment, where as 2 passes in funcEnv. funcEnv is the result of “calling NewDeclarativeEnvironment passing the running execution context‘s LexicalEnvironment as the argument“. So basically there is no difference.

Now 13.2 just specifies how functions are created. Given an optional parameter list, a body, a LexicalEnvironment specified by Scope, and a Boolean flag (for strict mode (ignore this for the purposes of establishing a formal definition)). Now the Scope mentioned above is the lexical environment of the running execution context (discussed here in depth) at creation time. The Scope is actually [[Scope]] (an internal property).

The ES6 spec draft runs along the same vein.

Lets get abstract

Every problem in computer science is just a more specific problem of a problem we’re familiar with in the natural world. So often it helps to find the abstract problem that we are already familiar with in order to help us understand the more specific problem we are dealing with. Patterns are an example of this. Before I was programming as a profession I was a carpenter. I find just about every problem I deal with in programming I’ve already dealt with in physical carpentry and at a higher level still with physical architecture.

In search of the true formal definition I also looked outside of JavaScript at the language agnostic term, which should just be an abstraction of the JavaScript closure anyway. Yip… Wikipedias definition “In programming languages, a closure (also lexical closure or function closure) is a function or reference to a function together with a referencing environment—a table storing a reference to each of the non-local variables (also called free variables or upvalues) of that function. A closure—unlike a plain function pointer—allows a function to access those non-local variables even when invoked outside its immediate lexical scope.

My abstract formal definition

A closure is a function containing a reference to the lexical (static) environment via the function objects internal [[Scope]] property (ES5 spec 13.2.9) that it is defined within at creation time, not call time (ES5 spec 13.2.1). The closure is closed over it’s parent lexical environment and all of it’s properties. You can access these properties as variables, but not as properties, because you don’t have access to the internal [[Scope]] property directly in order to reference it’s properties. So this example fails. More correctly (ES5 spec 8.6.2) “Of the standard built-in ECMAScript objects, only Function objects implement [[Scope]].

var outerObjectLiteral = {

   x: 10,

   foo: function () {
      console.log(x); // ReferenceError: x is not defined obviously
   invokeMe: function (funArg) {
      var x = 20;


See here for an explanation on the differences between properties and variables. That’s basically it. Of course there are many ways we can use a closure and that’s often where confusion creeps in about what a closure actually is and is not. Feel free to bring your perspective on this in the comments section below.

When is a closure born?

So lets get this closure closing over something. JavaScript addresses the funarg problem with closure.

var x = 10;

var outerObjectLiteral = {   

   foo: function () {
      // Because our internal [[Scope]] property now has a property (more specifically a free variable) x, we can access it directly.
      console.log(x); // Writes 10 to the console.
   invokeMe: function (funArg) {
      var x = 20;


The closure is created on line 13. Now at line 9 we have access to the closed over lexical environment. When we print x on line 7, we get 10 which is the value of x on [[Scope]] that our closure was statically bound to at function object creation time (not the dynamically scoped x = 20). Now of course you can change the value of the free variable x and it’ll be reflected where ever you use the closed over variable because the closure was bound to the free variable x, not the value of the free variable x.

This is what you’ll see in Chrome Dev Tools when execution is on line 10. Bear in mind though that both foo and invokeMe closures were created at line 13.


Now I’m going to attempt to explain what the structure looks like in a simplified form with a simple hash. I don’t know how it’s actually implemented in the varius EcmaScript implementations, but I do know what the specification (single source of truth) tells us, it should look something like the following:

// pseudocode //
foo = closure {
   FormalParameterList: {}, // Optional
   FunctionBody: <...>,
   Environment: { // ES5 10.5 VariableEnvironment's Environment record. This is actually the internal [[Scope]] property (set to the outer lexical environment).
      x: 10

The closure is born when the function is created (“the result of creating a new Function object” as stated above). Not when it’s returned by the outer function (I.E. upwards funarg problem) and not when it’s invoked as Angus Croll mentioned here under the “The [[Scope]] property” section.

Angus quotes the ES5 spec On studying this section I’m pretty sure it is meant for the context of actually creating the function object rather than invoking an existing function object. The clauses I’ve detailed above (11.1.5 Object Initialiser and 13 Function Definition), confirm this.

The ES6 spec draft “14.1.22 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation” also confirms this theory. Although it’s titled Runtime Semantics, it has several points that confirm my theory… The so called runtime semantics are the runtime semantics of function object creation rather than function object invocation. As some of the steps specified are FunctionCreate, MakeMethod and MakeConstructor (not FunctionInvoke, InvokeMethod or InvokeConstructor). The ES6 spec draft “14.2.17 Runtime Semantics: Evaluation” and also 14.3.8 are similar.

Why do we care about Closure?

Without closures, we wouldn’t have the concept of modules which I’ve discussed in depth here.

Modules are used very heavily in JavaScript both client and server side (think NPM), and for good reason. Until ES6 there is no baked in module system. In ES6 modules become part of the language. The entire Node.js ecosystem exists to install modules via the CommonJS initiative. Modules on the client side most often use the Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) implementation RequireJS to load modules, but can also use the likes of CommonJS via Browserify, which allows us to load node.js packages in the browser.

As of writing this, the TC39 committee have looked at both the AMD and CommonJS approaches and come up with something completely different for the ES6 module draft spec. Modules provide another mechanism for not allowing secrets to leak into the global object.

Modules are not new. David Parnas wrote a paper titled “On the Criteria To Be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules” in 1972. This explores the idea of secrets. Design and implementation decisions that should be hidden from the rest of the programme.

Here is an example of the Module pattern that includes both private and public methods. my.moduleMethod has access to private variables outside of it’s VariableEnvironment (the current scope) via the Environment record which references the outer LexicalEnvironment via it’s internal [[Scope]] property.

Information hiding: state and implementation. In JavaScript we don’t have access modifiers, but we don’t need them either. We can hide our secrets with various patterns. Closure is a key concept for many of these patterns. Closure is a key building block for helping us to programme against contract rather than implementation, helping us to form consistent abstractions, giving us the ability to engage with a concept while safely ignoring some of its details. Thus hiding unnecessary complexity from consumers.

I think Steve McConnell explains this very well in his classic “Code Complete” book. Steve uses the house abstraction as his metaphor. “People use abstraction continuously. If you had to deal with individual wood fibers, varnish molecules, and steel molecules every time you used your front door, you’d hardly make it in or out of your house each day. Abstraction is a big part of how we deal with complexity in the real world. Software developers sometimes build systems at the wood-fiber, varnish-molecule, and steel-molecule level. This makes the systems overly complex and intellectually hard to manage. When programmers fail to provide larger programming abstractions, the system itself sometimes fails to make it through the front door. Good programmers create abstractions at the routine-interface level, class-interface level, and package-interface level-in other words, the doorknob level, door level, and house level-and that supports faster and safer programming.

Encapsulation: you can not look at the details (the internal implementation, the secrets).

Partial function application and Currying: I have a set of posts on this topic. Closure is an integral building block of these constructs. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.

Functional JavaScript relies heavily on closure.

Are there any Costs or Gotchas of using Closures?

Of course. You didn’t think you’d get all this expressive power without having to think about how you’re going to use it did you? As we’ve discussed, closures were created to address the funarg problem. In doing that, the closure references the lexical (static) scope of the outer scope. So even once the free variables are out of scope, closure will still reference them if they were saved at function creation time. They can not be garbage collected until the function that references (is closed over) the outer scope has fallen out of scope. I.E. the reference count is 0.

var x = 10;
var noOneLikesMe = 20;
var globalyAccessiblePrivilegedFunction;

function globalyScopedFunction(z) {

  var noOneLikesMeInner = 40;

  function privilegedFunction() {
    return x + z;

  return privilegedFunction;


// This is where privilegedFunction is created.
globalyAccessiblePrivilegedFunction = globalyScopedFunction(30);

// This is where privilegedFunction is applied.

Now only the free variables that are needed are saved at function creation time. We see that when execution arrives at line 7, the currently scoped closure has the x free variable saved to it, but not z, noOneLikesMe, or noOneLikesMeInner.


When we enter innerFunction on line 10, we see the hidden [[Scope]] property has both the outer scope and the global scope saved to it.


Say for example execution has passed the above code snippet. If the closed over variables can still be referenced by calling globalyAccessiblePrivilegedFunction again, then they can not be garbage collected. This is a frequently abused problem with the upwards funarg problem. If you’ve got hot code that is creating many functions, make sure the functions that are closed over free variables are dropped out of scope as soon as you no longer have a need for them. This way garbage collection can deallocate the memory used by the free variables.

Looking at how the specification would look simplified, we can see that each Environment record inherits what it knows it’s going to need from the Environment record of its lexical parent. This chaining inheritance goes all the way up the lexical hierarchy to the global function object as seen below. In this case the family tree is quite short. Remember this structure is formed at function creation time, not invocation time. the free variables (not their values) are statically baked.

// pseudocode //
globalyScopedFunction = closure {
   FormalParameterList: { // Optional
      z: 30 // Values updated at invocation time.
   FunctionBody: {
      var noOneLikesMeInner = 40;

      function privilegedFunction() {
         return x + z;

      return privilegedFunction;
   Environment: { // ES5 10.5 VariableEnvironment's Environment record. This is actually the internal [[Scope]] property (set to the outer lexical environment).
      x: 10 // Free variable saved because we know it's going to be used in privilegedFunction.
   privilegedFunction: = closure {
      FormalParameterList: {}, // Optional
      FunctionBody: {
         return x + z;
      Environment: { // ES5 10.5 VariableEnvironment's Environment record. This is actually the internal [[Scope]] property (set to the outer lexical environment).
         x: 10 // Free variable inherited from the outer Environment.
         z: 30 // Formal parameter saved from outer lexical environment.


I discuss closure here very briefly and how it can be used to create block scoped variables prior to block scoping with the let keyword in ES6, supposed to be officially approved by December 2014. I discuss scoping here in a little more depth.

Closure misunderstandings

Closures are created when a function is returned

A closure is formed when one of those inner functions is made accessible outside of the function in which it was contained” found here is simply incorrect. There are also a lot of other misconceptions found at that link. I’d advise to read with a bag of salt.

Now we’ve already addressed this one above, but here is an example that confirms that the closure is in fact created at function creation time, not when the inner function is returned. Yes, it does what it looks like it does. Fiddle with it?

(function () {

   var lexicallyScopedFunction = function () {
      console.log('We\'re in the lexicalyScopedFunction');

   (function innerClosure() {


On line 8, we get to see the closure that was created from the execution of line 11.


Closures can create memory leaks

Yes they can, but not if you let the closure go out of scope. Discussed above.

Values of free variables are baked into the Closure

Also untrue. Now I’ve put in-line comments to explain what’s happening here. Fiddle with the below example?

var numberOfFunctionsRequired = 3;
var getLoopPrinter = function () {
   var loopCountingFunctions = new Array(numberOfFunctionsRequired);
   for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFunctionsRequired; i++) {
      loopCountingFunctions[i] = (function printLoopCount() {
         // What you see here is that each time this code is run, it prints the last value of the loop counter i.
         // Clearly showing that for each new printLoopCount function created and saved to the loopCountingFunctions array,
         // the variable i is saved to the Environment record, not the value of the variable i.
   return loopCountingFunctions;

var runLoopPrinter = getLoopPrinter();
runLoopPrinter[0](); // 3
runLoopPrinter[1](); // 3
runLoopPrinter[2](); // 3

An aside… getLoopPrinter is a global function. Once execution is on line 3 you get to see that global functions also have closure… supporting my comments above

global functions have closure too

Now in the above example, this is probably not what you want to happen, so how do we give each printLoopCount function it’s on value? Well by creating a parameter for each iteration of the loop, each with the new value. Fiddle with the below example?

var numberOfFunctionsRequired = 3;
var getLoopPrinter = function () {
   var loopCountingFunctions = new Array(numberOfFunctionsRequired);
   for (var i = 0; i < numberOfFunctionsRequired; i++) {
      (function (i) {
         // Now what happens here is each time the above loop runs this code,
         // inside this scope (the scope of this comment) i is a new formal parameter which of course
         // gets statically saved to each printLoopCount functions Environment record (or more simply each closure of printLoopCount).
         loopCountingFunctions[i] = (function printLoopCount() {
   return loopCountingFunctions;

var runLoopPrinter = getLoopPrinter();
runLoopPrinter[0](); // 0
runLoopPrinter[1](); // 1
runLoopPrinter[2](); // 2

As always, let me know your thoughts on this post, any thing you think I may have the wrong handle on, or anything that otherwise stood out.

References and interesting reads

Software Engineer Interview Quick Question Set

May 11, 2013

Ice breakers

  • Tell us a little bit about yourself and what drives you?
  • Ask a question from their CV that is positive, ‘what was your greatest success in your current or last role’
  • What’s your ideal job?
  • Can you give us one thing you really enjoyed in your last job?
  • What about one thing that you didn’t enjoy as much?
    How did you solve that?


  • How can you implement unit testing when there are dependencies between a business layer and a data layer, or the presentation layer and the business layer?
  • The development team is getting near release date. They start saying things like, we’re going to need a sprint to test. What would your reaction be?


  • What measures have you taken to make your software products more easily maintainable?
  • What is the most expensive part of the SDLC?
    (hint: reading others code)

Design and architecture

  • Can you explain some design patterns, and where you have used them?


  • Have you used scrum before? (If the answer is no, move on)
  • If you were taken on as a team member and the team was failing Sprint after Sprint. What would you do?
  • What would you do if you were part of a Scrum Team and your manager asked you to do a piece of work not in the Scrum Backlog?
    (hint: manager needs to consult PO. Something has to be removed from Sprint backlog in order for something to be added)


  • When do you use an abstract class and when do you use an interface?
  • How do you make sure that your code is both safe and fast?
  • Can you describe the process you use for writing a piece of code, from requirements to delivery?

Software engineering questions

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of Object Orientated Design?
    (hint: polymorphism inheritance encapsulation)
  • What books have you read on software engineering that you thought were good?
  • Explain the terms YAGNI, DRY, SOLID?
    (hint You Aint Gonna Need It. Build what you need as you need it, aggressively refactoring as you go along; don’t spend a lot of time planning for grandiose, unknown future scenarios. Good software can evolve into what it will ultimately become. Every piece of code is code we have to test. If the code is not needed, why are we spending time on it?)

Functional design questions

  • Which controls would you use when a user must select multiple items from a big list, in a minimal amount of space?
  • How would you design editing twenty fields for a list of 10 items? And editing 3 fields for a list of 1000 items?

Specific technical requirements

  • When, where and how do you optimize code?

Web questions

  • How would you mitigate SQL injection?
    (hint: looking for multi layered sanitisation. parameterised SQL. Least privileged account for data access)
  • Have you used XSS and can you provide us an example?
  • What JavaScript libraries have you used?
  • What are some of the irritating limitations of CSS?
  • How would you remove the ASP.NET_SessionId cookie from a MVC controllers Response?
    (hint: Response.Cookies["ASP.NET_SessionId"].Expires = DateTime.Now;)


  • How does JavaScript implement inheritance?
    (hint: via Object’s prototype property)

Service Oriented

  • What are the 3 things a WCF end point must have, or what is the ABC of a WCF service?
    Address – where the WCF service is hosted.
    Binding – that specifies the protocol and its myriad of options.
    Contract – service contract defines what service operations are available to the client for consumption.

C# / .Net questions

  • What’s the difference between public, private, protected and internal modifiers?
  • What are the main differences between the .NET 2.0 and 4.0 garbage collector?
    (hint: background GC was introduced)
  • Describe the different ways arguments can be passed in C#
    (hint: pass val by val, pass val by ref, pass ref by val, pass ref by ref)
  • We have a Base class, we have a child class that inherits BaseClass. Does the child class inherit the base class’s private members?
    (hint: this is normally good for a laugh)
  • Have you ever worked with a deadlock and how did it occur?
  • When should locks be used in concurrent programming?
    when synchronization cannot be performed in any other way. This is rare. With careful thought and planning, there is just about always a better way. There are many ways to synchronise without using locks. System.Threading.Interlocked class generally supported by the processor
  • What are some of your favourite .NET features?

Finally, this question is from Google; can you quickly tell us something that we don’t know anything about? It can be anything.

Software Engineer Interview Process and Questions

April 27, 2013

A short time ago, I was tasked with finding the right software engineer/s for the organisation I was working for. I settled on a process, a set of background questions,  a set of practical programming exercises and a set of verbal questions. Later on I cut the set of verbal questions down to a quicker set. In this post, I’ll be going over the process and the full set of verbal questions. In a subsequent post I’ll go over the quicker set.

The Process

  1. We sent them an email with a series of questions.
    Technical and non-technical.
    They have two days to reply with answers.
    The programming exercises are not covered here.
    If they passed this…
  1. We would get them in for an interview.
    Technical and non-technical questions would be asked.
    They would be put on the spot and asked to speak to the development team about a technical subject that they were familiar with.
    The development team would quiz them on whatever comes to mind.
    Once the candidate had left, the development team would collaborate on what they thought of the candidate and whether or not they would be a good fit for the team.
    The team would take this feedback and discuss whether the candidate should be given a trial. 
    Step 2 could be broken into two parts depending on how many questions and their intensity, you wanted to drill the candidate with.

The following set of tests will confirm whether the candidate satisfies the points we have asked for in the job description.

The non functional (soft) qualities listed on the Job add would need to be kept in mind during the interview events.

Qualities such as:

  • Quality focus
  • Passion
  • Personality
  • Commitment to the organisations needs
  • A genuine sense of excitement about the technologies we work with

Email test

  1. Send Screening.pdf
  2. Send InterviewQuestions.doc

Now with the following questions, with many of them there is not necessarily a right or wrong answer. Many of them are just to gauge how the candidate thinks and whether or not they hold the right set of values.

Ice breakers

  • Would you like to be the team leader or team member?
  • Tell me about a conflict at a previous job and how you resolved it.
  • (Summary personality item: Think to yourself, “If we hire this person, would I want to spend four hours driving in a car with them?”)

Design and architecture

  • What’s the difference between TDD and BDD and why do they matter?
  • What is Technical Debt. How do you deal with it once in it? How do you stay out of it?
  • How would you deal with a pair when reviewing their code, when they have not followed good design principles?
  • What would you do if a fellow team member reviewed your code and suggested you change something you had designed that followed good design principles, to something inferior?
  • Can you explain how the Composite pattern works and where you would use it?
  • Can you describe several class construction techniques?
    What are two design patterns that are focused on class construction, and how do they work?
    (hint: Builder, Factory Method).
  • How would you model the animal kingdom (with species and their behaviour) as a class system?
    (hint GoF design pattern. Abstract Factory)
  • Can you name a number of non-functional (or quality) requirements?
  • What is your advice when a customer wants high performance, high usability and high security?
  • What is your advice when a customer wants high performance, Good design, Cheap?
    (hint: pick 2)
  • What do low coupling and high cohesion mean? What does the principle of encapsulation mean to you?
  • Can you think of some concurrency patterns?
    (hint: Asynchronous Results, Background Worker, Compare/Exchange pattern via Interlocked.CompareExchange)
  • How would you manage conflicts in a web application when different people are editing the same data?
  • Where would you use the Command pattern?
  • Do you know what a stateless business layer is? Where do long-running transactions fit into that picture?
    (hint: if you have long-running transactions, you are going to have to manage state somehow. How would you do this?)
  • What kinds of diagrams have you used in designing parts of an architecture, or a technical design?
  • Can you name the different tiers and responsibilities in an N-tier architecture?
    (hint: presentation, business, data)
  • Can you name different measures to guarantee correctness and robustness of data in an architecture?
    (hint: for example transactions, thread synchronisation)
  • What does the acronym ACID stand for in relation to transactions?
    (hint: atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability)
  • Can you name any differences between object-oriented design and component-based design?
    (hint: objects vs services or documents)
  • How would you model user authorization, user profiles and permissions in a database?(hint: Membership API)

Scrum questions

  • Have you used Scrum before? (If the answer is no, not much point in asking the rest of these questions).
  • If you were taken on as a team member and the team was failing Sprint after Sprint. What would you do?
  • What are the Scrum events and the purpose of them?
    (hint: Daily Scrum, Sprint Planning Meetings 1 & 2, Sprint Review and Sprint Retrospective)
  • What would you do if you were part of a Scrum Team and your manager asked you to do a piece of work not in the Scrum Backlog?
  • Who decides what Product Backlog Items should be pulled into a Sprint?
  • What is the DoD and what is it useful for?
  • Where and how do changing requirements fit into scrum?

Construction questions

  • How do you make sure that your code can handle different kinds of error situations?
    (hint: TDD, BDD, testing…)
  • How do you make sure that your code is both safe and fast?
  • When would you use polymorphism and when would you use delegates?
  • When would you use a class with static members and when would you use a Singleton class?
  • Can you name examples of anticipating changing requirements in your code?
  • Can you describe the process you use for writing a piece of code, from requirements to delivery?
  • Explain DI / IoC. Are there any differences between the two? If so, what are they?
    (hint: DI is one method of following the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) or IoC)

Software engineering skills

  • What is Object Oriented Design? What are the benefits and drawbacks?
    (hint: polymorphism inheritance encapsulation)
  • What is the role of interfaces in design?
  • What books have you read on software engineering that you thought were good?
  • What are important aspects of GUI design?
  • What Object Relational Mapping tools have you used?
  • What are the differences between Model-View-Controller, Model-View-Presenter and Model-View-ViewModel
    Can you draw MVC and MVP?
    (hint: doted lines are pub/sub)


  • What is the difference between Mocks, Stubs, Fakes and Dummies?
  • (hint:
    Mocks are objects pre-programmed with expectations which form a specification of the calls they are expected to receive. Stubs provide canned answers to calls made during the test, usually not responding at all to anything outside what’s programmed in for the test.
    Stubs may also record information about calls, such as an email gateway stub that remembers the messages it ‘sent’, or maybe only how many messages it ‘sent’.
    Fake objects actually have working implementations, but usually take some shortcut which makes them not suitable for production (an in memory database is a good example).
    Dummy objects are passed around but never actually used. Usually they are just used to fill parameter lists.)
  • Describe the process you would take in setting up CI for our company?
  • We’re going to design the new IMDB.
    On the whiteboard, what would the table that holds the movies look like?
    Every movie has actors, how would the Actors table look?
    Actors star in many movies, any adjustments?
    We need to track Characters also. Any adjustments to the schema?

Relational Database

  • What metrics, like cyclomatic complexity, do you think are important to track in code?

Functional design questions

  • What are metaphors used for in functional design? Can you name some successful examples?
    (hint: Partial Function Application, Currying)
  • How can you reduce the user’s perception of waiting when some routines take a long time?
  • Which controls would you use when a user must select multiple items from a big list, in a minimal amount of space?
  • How would you design editing twenty fields for a list of 10 items? And editing 3 fields for a list of 1000 items?
  • Can you name some limitations of a web environment vs. a Windows environment?

Specific technical requirements

  • What software have you used for bug tracking and version control?
  • Which branching models have you used?
    (hint: No Branches, Release, Maintenance, Feature, Team)
  • What have you used for unit testing, integration testing, UA testing, UI testing?
  • What build tools are you familiar with?
    (hint: Nant, Make, Rake, PSake)

Web questions

  • Would you use a black list or white list? Why?
  • Can you explain XSS and how it works?
  • Can you explain CSRF? and how it works?
  • What is the difference between GET and POST in web forms? How do you decide which to use?
  • What do you know about HTTP.
    (hint: Application Layer of OSI model (layer 7), stateless)
  • What are the HTTP methods sometimes called verbs?
    (hint: there are 9 of them. HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, OPTIONS, CONNECT, PATCH)
  • How do you get the current users name from an MVC Controller?
    (hint: The controller has a User property which is of type IPrinciple which has an Identity property of type IIdentity, which has a Name property)
  • What JavaScript libraries have you used?
  • What is the advantage of using CSS?
  • What are some of the irritating limitations of CSS?

JavaScript questions

  • How does JavaScript implement inheritance?
    (hint: via Object’s prototype property)
  • What is the difference between "==" and "===", "!=" and "!=="?
    (hint: If the two operands are of the same type and have the same value, then “===” produces true and “!==” produces false. The evil twins do the right thing when the operands are of the same type, but if they are of different types, they attempt to coerce the values. The rules by which they do that are complicated and unmemorable.
    If you want to use "==", "!=" be sure you know how it works and test well.
    By default use “===” and “!==“. )
    These are some of the interesting cases:
'' == '0'          // false
0 == ''            // true
0 == '0'           // true
false == 'false'   // false
false == '0'       // true
false == undefined // false
false == null      // false
null == undefined  // true
' \t\r\n ' == 0    // true
  • On the whiteboard, could you show us how to create a function that takes an object and returns a child object?
if (typeof Object.create !== ‘function’) {
   Object.create = function (o) {
      var F = function () {};
      F.prototype = o;
      return new F();
var child = Object.create(parent);
  • When is “this” bound to the global object?
    (hint: When the function being invoked is not the property of an object)
  • With the following code, how does myObject.pleaseSetValue set myObject.value?
var myObject = {
	value: 0

myObject.setValue = function () {
	var that = this; // don’t show this

	var pleaseSetValue = function () {
		that.value = 10; // don’t show this
	pleaseSetValue ();
document.writeln(myObject.value); // 10

Service Oriented questions

  • Can you think of any Advantages and Disadvantages in using SOA over an object oriented n-tier model?
  • What’s the simplest way to make a service call from within a web page and how many lines could you do this in?
  • What scales better, per-call services or per-session and why?
    (hint: maintaining service instances (maintaining state) in memory or any entities for that matter quickly blows out memory and other resources.)
  • What is REST’s primary objective?
  • How many ways can you create a WCF proxy?
    Add Service Reference via Visual Studio project
    Using svcutil.exe
    Create proxy on the fly with… new ChannelFactory<IMyContract>().CreateChannel();
  • What do you need to turn on on the service in order to create a proxy?
    (hint: enable an HTTP-GET behaviour, or MEX endpoint)

C# / .Net questions

  • What’s the difference between public, private, protected and internal modifiers?
    Which ones can be used together?
  • What’s the difference between static and non-static methods?
  • What’s the most obvious difference in IL with static constructors?
    (hint: static method causes compiler to not mark type with beforefieldinit, thus giving lazy initialisation.)
  • How have you used Reflection?
  • What does the garbage collector clean up?
    (hint: managed resources, not unmanaged resources. Such as files, streams and handles)
  • Why would you implement the the IDisposable interface?
    (hint: clean up resources deterministically. Clean up unmanaged resources.)
  • Where should the Dispose function be called from?
    (hint: the objects finalizer)
  • Where is an objects finalizer called from?
    (hint: the GC)
  • If you call an objects Dispose method, what System method should you also make sure is called?
    (hint: System.GC.SuppressFinalize)
  • Why should System.GC.SuppressFinalize be called?
    (hint: finalization is expensive)
  • Are strings mutable or immutable?
    (hint: immutable)
  • What’s the most significant difference between struct’s and class’s?
    (hint: struct : value type, class : reference type)
  • What are the other differences between struct’s and class’s?
    (hint: struct’s don’t support inheritance (all value types are sealed) or finalizers)
    (hint: struct’s can have the same fields, methods, properties and operators)
    (hint: struct’s can implement interfaces)
  • Where are reference types stored? Where are value types stored?
    bit of a trick question. Ref on the heap, val on the stack (generally)
    The reference part of reference type local variables is stored on the stack.
    Value type local variables also on the stack.
    Content of reference type variables is stored on the heap.
    Member variables are stored on the heap.
  • Where is the yield key word used?
    (hint: within an iterator)
  • What are some well known interfaces in the .net library that iterators provide implementation for?
    (hint: IEnumerable<T> )
  • Are static methods thread safe?
    (hint: a new stack frame is created with every method call. All local variables are safe… so long as they are not reference types being passed to another thread or being passed to another thread by ref.)
  • What is the TPL used for?
    (hint: a set of API’s in the System.Threading and System.Threading.Tasks namespaces simplifying the process of adding parallelism and concurrency to applications.)
  • What rules would you consider when choosing a lock object?
    (hint: keep the scope as tight as possible (private), so other threads cannot change its value, thus causing the thread to block.
    Declare as readonly, as its value should not be changed.
    Must not be a value type.
    If the lock keyword is used on a value type, the compiler will report an error.
    If used with System.Threading.Monitor, an exception will occur at runtime, because Monitor.Exit receives a boxed copy of the original variable.
    Never lock on “this”.)
  • Why would you declare a field as volatile?
    (hint: So that the order of the operations performed on the variable are not optimised to a different order.)
  • Are reads and writes to a long (System.Int64) atomic? Are reads and writes to a int (System.Int32) atomic?
    (hint: The runtime guarantees that a type whose size is no bigger than a native integer will not be read or written only partially. This is in the CLI spec and the C# 4.0 spec.)
  • Before invoking a delegate instance just before the null check is performed, What’s a good way to make sure no other threads can set your delegate to null between when the check occurs and when you invoke it?
    assign reference to heap allocated memory to stack allocated implements thread safety.
    Assign your delegate instance to a second local delegate variable.
    This ensures that if subscribers to your delegate instance are removed (by a different thread) between checking for null and firing the invocation, you won’t fire a NullReferenceException.)
void OnCheckChanged(EventArgs e) {
	// assign reference to heap allocated memory to
	// stack allocated implements thread safety

	// CheckChanged is a member declared as…  public event EventHandler CheckChanged;
	EventHandler threadSafeCheckChanged = CheckChanged;
	if (threadSafeCheckChanged != null)  {
		// fire the event off
		foreach(EventHandler handler in threadSafeCheckChanged.GetInvocationList()) {
			try {
				handler(this, e);
			catch(Exception e) {
				// handling code
  • What is a deadlock and how does one occur? Can you draw it on the white board?
    (hint: two or more threads wait for each other to release a synchronization lock.
    Thread A requests a lock on _sync1, and then later requests a lock on _sync2 before releasing the lock on _sync1.
    At the same time,
    Thread B requests a lock on _sync2, followed by a lock on _sync1, before releasing the lock on _sync2.
  • How many ways are there to implement an interface member, and what are they?
    (hint: two. Implicit and explicit member implementation)
  • How do I declare an explicit interface member?
    (hint: prefix the member name with the interface name)
public class MyClass : SomeBaseClass ,IListable, IComparable {
    // …
    public intCompareTo(object obj) {
        // …

    #region IListable Members
    string[] Ilistable.ColumnValues {

        get {
            // …
            return values;
  • Write the above on a white board, then ask the following question. If I want to make a call to an explicit member implementation like the above, How do I do it?
string[] values;
    MyClass obj1, obj2;

    // ERROR:  Unable to call ColumnValues() directly on a contact
    // values = obj1.ColumnValues;

    // First cast to IListable.
    values = ((IListable)obj2).ColumnValues;
  • What is wrong with the following snippet?
    (hint: possibility of race condition.
    If two threads in the program both call GetNext simultaneously, two threads might be given the same number. The reason is that _curr++ compiles into three separate steps:
    1. Read the current value from the shared _curr variable into a processor register.
    2. Increment that register.
    3. Write the register value back to the shared _curr variable.
    Two threads executing this same sequence can both read the same value from _curr locally (say, 42), increment it (to, say, 43), and publish the same resulting value. GetNext thus returns the same number for both threads, breaking the algorithm. Although the simple statement _curr++ appears to be atomic, this couldn’t be further from the truth.)
// Each call to GetNext should hand out a new unique number
static class Counter {
    internal static int _curr = 0;
    internal static int GetNext() {
        return _curr++;
  • What are some of your favourite .NET features?

Data structures

  • How would you implement the structure of the London underground in a computer’s memory?
    (hint: how about a graph. The set of vertices would represent the stations. The edges connecting them would be the tracks)
  • How would you store the value of a colour in a database, as efficiently as possible?
    (hint: assuming we are measuring efficiency in size and not retrieval or storage speed, and the colour is 16^6 (FFFFFF), store it as an int)
  • What is the difference between a queue and a stack?
  • What is the difference between storing data on the heap vs. on the stack?
  • What is the number 21 in binary format? And in hex?
    (hint: 10101, 15)
  • What is the last thing you learned about data structures from a book, magazine or web site?
  • Can you name some different text file formats for storing unicode characters?
  • How would you store a vector in N dimensions in a datatable?


  • What type of language do you prefer for writing complex algorithms?
  • How do you find out if a number is a power of 2? And how do you know if it is an odd number?
  • How do you find the middle item in a linked list?
  • How would you change the format of all the phone numbers in 10,000 static html web pages?
  • Can you name an example of a recursive solution that you created?
  • Which is faster: finding an item in a hashtable or in a sorted list?
  • What is the last thing you learned about algorithms from a book, magazine or web site?
  • How would you write a function to reverse a string? And can you do that without a temporary string?
  • In an array with integers between 1 and 1,000,000 one value is in the array twice. How do you determine which one?
  • Do you know about the Traveling Salesman Problem?

Testing questions

  • It’s Monday and we’ve just finished Sprint Planning. How would you organize testing?
  • How do you verify that new changes have not broken existing features?
    (hint: regression test)
  • What can you do reduce the chance that a customer finds things that he doesn’t like during acceptance testing?
  • Can you tell me something that you have learned about testing and quality assurance in the last year?
  • What sort of information would you not want to be revealed via Http responses or error messages?
    (hint: Critical info about the likes of server name, version, installed program versions, etc)
  • What would you make sure you turned off on an app or web server before deployment?
    (hint: directory listing?)

Maintenance questions

  • How do you find an error in a large file with code that you cannot step through?
  • How can you make sure that changes in code will not affect any other parts of the product?
  • How can you debug a system in a production environment, while it is being used?

Configuration management questions

  • Which items do you normally place under version control?
  • How would you manage changes to technical documentation, like the architecture of a product?

Project management

  • How many of the three variables scope, time and cost can be fixed by the customer?
  • Who should make estimates for the effort of a project? Who is allowed to set the deadline?
  • Which kind of diagrams do you use to track progress in a project?
  • What is the difference between an iteration and an increment?
  • Can you explain the practice of risk management? How should risks be managed?
  • What do you need to be able to determine if a project is on time and within budget?
    (hint: Product Backlog burn-down)
  • How do you agree on scope and time with the customer, when the customer wants too much?

Candidate displays how they communicate / present to a group of people about a technical topic they are passionate and familiar about.

References I used

If any of these questions or answers are not clear, or you have other great ideas for questions, please leave comments.

How to Increase Software Developer Productivity

March 2, 2013

Is your organisation:

  • Wanting to get more out of your Software Developers?
  • Wanting to increase RoI?
  • Spending too much money fixing bugs?
  • Development team not releasing business value fast enough?
  • Maybe your a software developer and you want to lift your game to the next level?

If any of these points are of concern to you… read on.

There are many things we can do to lift a software developers productivity and thus the total output of The Development Team. I’m going to address some quick and cheap wins, followed by items that may take a little longer to implement, but non the less, will in many cases provide even greater results.

What ever it takes to remove friction and empower your software developers to work with the least amount of interruptions, do it.
Allow them to create a space that they love working in. I know when I work from home my days are far more productive than when working for a company that insists on cramming as many workers around you into a small space as possible. Chitter chatter from behind, both sides and in front of you will not help one get their mind into a state of deep thought easily.

I have included thoughts from Nicholas C. Zakas post to re-iterate the common fallacies uttered by non-engineers.

  • I don’t understand why this is such a big deal. Isn’t it just a few lines of code? (Technically, everything is a few lines of code. That doesn’t make it easy or simple.)
  • {insert name here} says it can be done in a couple of days. (That’s because {insert name here} already has perfect knowledge of the solution. I don’t, I need to learn it first.)
  • What can we do to make this go faster? Do you need more engineers? (Throwing more engineers at a problem frequently makes it worse. The only way to get something built faster is to build a smaller thing.)

Screen real estate

When writing code, a software developers work requires a lot of time spent deep in thought. Holding multiple layers of complexity within immediately accessible memory.
One of the big wins I’ve found that helps with continuity, is maximising your screen real estate.
I’ve now moved up to 3 x 27″ 2560×1440 IPS flat panels. These are absolutely gorgeous to look at/work with.
Software development generally requires a large number of applications to be running at any one time.
For example in any average session for me, I generally have somewhere around 30 windows open.
The more screen real estate a developer has, the less he/she has to fossick around for what he/she needs and switch between them.
Also, the less brain cycles he/she has to spend locating that next running application, means the more cycles you have in order to do real work.
So, the less gap there is switching between say one code editor and another, the easier it is for a developer to keep the big picture in memory.
We’re looking at:

  1. physical screen size
  2. total pixel count

The greater real estate available (physical screen size and pixel count) the more information you can have instant access to, which means:

  • less waiting
  • less memory loss
  • less time spent rebuilding structures in your head
  • greater continuity

Which then gives your organisation and developers:

  • greater productivity
  • greater RoI

These screens are cheaper than many realise. I set these up 4 months ago. They continue to drop in price.

  1. FSM-270YG 27″ PC Monitor LED S-IPS WIDE 2560×1440 16:9 WQHD DVI-D $470.98 NZD
  2. [QH270-IPSMS] Achieva ShiMian HDMI DVI D-Sub 27″ LG LED 2560×1440 $565.05 NZD
  3. [QH270-IPSMS] Achieva ShiMian HDMI DVI D-Sub 27″ LG LED 2560×1440 $565.05 NZD

It’s just simply not worth not to upgrading to these types of panels.

korean monitors

In this setup, I’m running Linux Mint Maya. Besides the IPS panels, I’m using the following hardware.

  • Video card: 1 x Gigabyte GV-N650OC-2GI GTX 650 PCIE
  • PSU: 1200w Corsair AX1200 (Corsair AX means no more PSU troubles (7 yr warranty))
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 3820 3.60GHz (2011)
  • Mobo: Asus P9X79
  • HDD: 1TB Western Digital WD10EZEX Caviar Blue
  • RAM: Corsair 16GB (2x8GB) Vengeance Performance Memory Module DDR3 1600MHz

One of the ShiMian panels is using the VGA port on the video card as the FSM-270YG only supports DVI.
The other ShiMian and the FSM-270YG are hooked up to the 2 DVI-D (dual link) ports on the video card. The two panels feeding on the dual link are obviously a lot clearer than the panel feeding on the VGA. Also I can reduce the size of the text considerably giving me greater clarity while reading, while enabling me to fit a lot more information on the screens.

With this development box, I’m never left waiting for the machine to catchup with my thought process.
So don’t skimp on hardware. It just doesn’t make sense any way you look at it.

Machine Speed

The same goes for your machine speed. If you have to wait for your machine to do what you’ve commanded it to do and at the same time try and keep a complex application structure in your head, the likelihood of loosing part of that picture increases. Plus your brain has to work harder to hold the image in memory while your trying to maintain continuity of thought. Again using precious cycles for something that shouldn’t be required rather than on the essential work. When a developer looses part of this picture, they have to rebuild it again when the machine finishes executing the last command given. This is re-work that should not be necessary.

An interesting observation from Joel Spolsky:

“The longer it takes to task switch, the bigger the penalty you pay for multitasking.
OK, back to the more interesting topic of managing humans, not CPUs. The trick here is that when you manage programmers, specifically, task switches take a really, really, really long time. That’s because programming is the kind of task where you have to keep a lot of things in your head at once. The more things you remember at once, the more productive you are at programming. A programmer coding at full throttle is keeping zillions of things in their head at once: everything from names of variables, data structures, important APIs, the names of utility functions that they wrote and call a lot, even the name of the subdirectory where they store their source code. If you send that programmer to Crete for a three week vacation, they will forget it all. The human brain seems to move it out of short-term RAM and swaps it out onto a backup tape where it takes forever to retrieve.”

Many of my posts so far have been focused on productivity enhancements. Essentially increasing RoI. This list will continue to grow.

Coding Standards and Guidelines

Agreeing on a set of Coding Standards and Guidelines and policing them (generally by way of code reviews and check-in commit scripts) means software developers get to spend less time thinking about things that they don’t need to and get to throw more time at the real problems.

For example:

Better Tooling

Improving tool sets has huge gains in productivity. In most cases many of the best tools are free. Moving from the likes of non distributed source control systems to best of bread distributed.

There are many more that should be considered.


Implementing an excellent Wiki that is easy to use. I’ve put a few wiki’s in place now and have used even more. My current pick of the bunch would have to be Atlassians Confluence. I’ve installed this on a local server and also migrated the instance to their cloud. There are varying plans and all very reasonably priced with excellent support. If the wiki you’re planning on using is not as intuitive as it could be, developers just wont use it. So don’t settle for anything less.

Improving Processes

Code Reviews

Also a very important step in all successful development teams and often a discipline that must be satisfied as part of Scrums Definition of Done (DoD). What this gives us is high quality designs and code, conforming to the coding standards. This reduces defects, duplicate code (DRY) and enforces easily readable code as the reviewer has to understand it. Saves a lot of money in re-work.

Cost of Change

Scott Amblers Cost of change curve

Definition of Done (DoD)

Get The Team together and decide on what it means to have each Product Backlog Item that’s pulled into the Sprint Done.
Here’s an example of a DoD that one of my previous Development Teams compiled:

Definition of Done

What does Done actually mean?

Come Sprint Review on the last day of the Sprint, everyone knows what it means to be done. There is no “well I thought it was Done because I’ve written the code for it, but it’s not tested yet”.

Continuous Integration (CI)

There are many tools and ways to implement CI. What does CI give you? Visibility of code quality, adherence to standards, reports on cyclomatic complexity, predictability and quite a number of other positive side effects. You’ll know as soon as the code fails to build and/or your fast running tests (unit tests) fail. This means The Development Team don’t keep writing code on top of faulty code, thus reducing technical debt by not having to undo changes on changes later down the track.
I’ve used a number of these tools and have carried out extensive research and evaluation spikes on a number of the most popular offerings. In order of preference, the following are my candidates.

  1. Jenkins (free and open source, with a great community)
  2. TeamCity
  3. Atlassian Bamboo

Release Plans

Make sure you have these. This will reduce confusion and provide a clear definition of the steps involved to get your software out the door. This will reduce the likelihood of screwing up a release and re-work being required. You’ll definitely need one of these for the next item.

Here’s an example of a release notes guideline I wrote for one of the previous companies I worked for.

release notes

Continuous Deployment

If using Scrum, The Scrum Team will be forecasting a potentially releasable Increment (the sum of all the Product Backlog items completed during a Sprint and all previous Sprints).
You may decide to actually release this. When you do, you can look at the possibility of automating this deployment. Thus reducing the workload of the release manager or who ever usually deploys (often The Development Team in a Scrum environment). This has the added benefit of consistency, predictability, reliability and of course happy customers. I’ve also been through this process of research and evaluation on the tools available and the techniques to implement.

Here’s a good podcast that got me started. I’ve got a collection of other resources if you need them and can offer you my experience in this process. Just leave a comment.

Implement Scrum (and not the Flaccid flavour)

I hope this goes without saying?
Implementing Scrum to provide ultimate visibility

Get maximum quality out of the least money spent

How to get the most out of your limited QA budget

Driving your designs with tests, thus creating maintainable code, thus reducing technical debt.

Hold Retrospectives

Scrum is big on continual inspection and adaption, self-organisation and fostering innovation. The military have another term for inspection and adaption. It’s called the OODA Loop.
The Retrospective is just one of the Scrum Events that enable The Scrum Team to continually inspect the way they are doing things and improve the way they develop and deliver business value.

Invest a little into your servant leaders

Empowering the servant leaders.

Context Switching

Don’t do it. This is a real killer.
This is hard. What you need to do is be aware of how much productivity is killed with each switch. Then do everything in your power to make sure your Development Team is sheltered from as much as possible. There are many ways to do this. For starters, you’re going to need as much visibility as possible into how much this is currently happening. track add-hock requests and any other types of interruptions that steel the developers concentration. In the last Scrum Team that I was Scrum Master of, The Development Team decided to include another metric to the burn down chart that was on the middle of the wall, clearly visible to all. Every time one of the developers was interrupted during a Sprint, they would record this time, the reason and who interrupted them, on the burn down chart. The Scrum Team would then address this during the Retrospective and empirically address why this happened and work out how to stop it happening every Sprint. Jeff Atwood has an informative post on why and how context-switching/multitasking kills productivity. Be sure to check it out.

As always, if anything I’ve mentioned isn’t completely clear, or you have any questions, please leave a comment 🙂

Generic Coding Standards and Guidelines

January 5, 2013

Merging Conventions to Aid Readability thus Reducing Development Time

When programming in a mixed-language environment,
the naming conventions, formatting conventions, documentation conventions, and other conventions,
can be optimised for overall consistency and readability.
This may mean going against convention for one or more of the languages that’s part of the mix.

For Example…

in many classical Object Oriented and procedural languages,
routine names have an initial capital letter (PascalCase).
The convention in JavaScript is for routine names to have an initial lower case letter (camelCase),
unless the routine is a constructor (intended to be used with the new prefix).
When a constructor is invoked without the new prefix,
the constructors this will be bound to the global object,
rather than where it should be…
The functions execution context.
When invoked with the new prefix as it should be,
the function object will be created with a hidden link to the value of the functions prototype,
and the functions this value will be bound to the function object (where it should be).
Because this convention has a very important reason,
your team may decide to carry that convention across the other languages you use.

Refactor or Document Short, Hard to Read Names

I don’t know how many times I see code that uses very short names which make readability difficult.
What’s worse, is that so often there are many different names that mean the same thing sprinkled across the project/s.
Short, hard to read, pronounce, or understand names are rarely needed with the programming languages of today.
Use easily and quickly readable names where ever possible.
If you have to use short names or abbreviations, keep them consistent.
Translation tables are good for this.
You can have a commented translation table at the beginning of a file,
or at the project level if the names are wider spread.
Names should be specific to the domain your working in, rather than to the programming language.

Meaningful Loop Index Names

If your loop is more than a couple of lines long or you have nested loops,
make your loop index name something meaningful,
rather than i, j, k etc.

Additional Thoughts

  • Code is read many more times than it is written.
    Make sure the names you choose favour read-time over write-time convenience.
  • If you have names that are general or vague enough to be used for multiple purposes,
    refactor your code, maybe create additional entities that have more specific names.
  • Don’t leave the meaning of the name to guess work.
    This taxes the programmers mind unnecessarily.
    There are better uses of our cycles.
  • Agree on and adopt a set of coding standards and guidelines.
    It’s more important to have standards than to not have them because you can’t agree on the “right” way.
    They will save wasted time and arguments during coding, and code reviewing.

JavaScript Coding Standards and Guidelines

December 19, 2012

This is the current set of coding standards and guidelines I use when I’m coding in the JavaScript language.
I thought it would be good to share so others could get use out of them also, and maybe start a discussion as to amendments / changes they see that could be useful?

Naming Conventions

Names should be formed from the 26 upper and lower case letters (A .. Z, a .. z), the 10 digits (0 .. 9), and _ (underbar).
Avoid use of international characters because they may not read well or be understood everywhere.
Do not use $ (dollar sign) or \ (backslash) in names.

I think jQuery would have to be an exception to this

Do not use _ (underbar) as the first character of a name.
It is sometimes used to indicate privacy, but it does not actually provide privacy.
If privacy is important, use the forms that provide private members.

Most variables and functions should start with a lower case letter.

Constructor functions which must be used with the new prefix should start with a capital letter.
JavaScript issues neither a compile-time warning nor a run-time warning if a required new is omitted.
Bad things can happen if new is not used, so the capitalization convention is the only defence we have.

Global variables should be in all caps.
JavaScript does not have macros or constants, so there isn’t much point in using all caps to signify features that JavaScript doesn’t have.
Same with Enum names. There is no native ability to create constant variables. Although… you can create read-only properties.
With the advent of ES5 we now have a couple of well known techniques to enforce that our property values can not be altered once initialised.

When you define a property using one of the ES5 techniques, (1) when you set the writable property attribute to false the value of the value attribute can no longer be altered. (2) Using an accessor property with only a get function

var objWithMultipleProperties;
var objWithMultiplePropertiesDescriptor;

objWithMultipleProperties = Object.defineProperties({}, {
   x: { value: 1, writable: true, enumerable:true, configurable:true }, // Change writable to false enables read-only semantics.
   y: { value: 1, writable: true, enumerable:true, configurable:true }, // Change writable to false enables read-only semantics.
   r: {
      get: function() {
         return Math.sqrt(this.x*this.x + this.y*this.y)

objWithMultiplePropertiesDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(objWithMultipleProperties, 'r');
// objWithMultiplePropertiesDescriptor {
//    configurable: true,
//    enumerable: true,
//    get: function () {
//       // other members in here
//    },
//    set: undefined,
//   // ...
// }

See here for complete coverage of property attributes.

Coding Style


Use comments where needed.

If the script needs commenting due to complexity, consider revising before commenting.
Comments easily rot (can be left behind after future code changes).
It is important that comments be kept up-to-date. Erroneous comments can make programs even harder to read and understand.
In this case they cause more damage than they originally gave benefit.
Comments should be well-written and clear, just like the code they are annotating.

Make comments meaningful. Focus on what is not immediately visible. Don’t waste the reader’s time with stuff like

i = 0; // Set i to zero.

Comment Style

Block comments are not safe for
commenting out blocks of code. For example:

var rm_a = /a*/.match(s);

causes a syntax error. So, it is recommended that /* */ comments be avoided and //
comments be used instead.

Don’t use HTML comments in script blocks. In the ancient days of javascript (1995), some browsers like Netscape 1.0 didn’t have any support or knowledge of the script tag. So when javascript was first released, a technique was needed to hide the code from older browsers so they wouldn’t show it as text in the page. The ‘hack’ was to use HTML comments within the script block to hide the code.

<script language="javascript">
   // code here

No browsers in common use today are ignorant of the <script> tag, so hiding of javascript source is no longer necessary. Thanks Matt Kruse for re-iterating this.

File Organization

JavaScript programs should be stored in and delivered as .js files.

  • JavaScript should not be in HTML
  • JavaScript should not be in CSS
  • CSS should not be in JavaScript
  • HTML should not be in JavaScript

Code in HTML adds significantly to page weight with no opportunity for mitigation by caching and compression. There are many other reasons to keep the UI layers separate.

<script src=filename.js>; tags should be placed as late in the body as possible.
This reduces the effects of delays imposed by script loading on other page components.

There is no need to use the language or type attributes. It is the server, not the script tag, that determines the MIME type.



Use same line opening brace.
Brace positioning is more or less a holy war without any right answer — except in JavaScript, where same-line braces are right and you should always use them. Here’s why:

  ok: false;

return {
  ok: true;

What’s the difference between these two snippets? Well, in the first one, you silently get something completely different than what you wanted.
The lone return gets mangled by the semicolon insertion process and becomes return; and returns nothing.
The rest of the code becomes a plain old block statement, with ok: becoming a label (of all things)! Having a label there might make sense in C, where you can goto, but in JavaScript, it makes no sense in this context.
And what happens to false? it gets evaluated and completely ignored.
Finally, the trailing semicolon — what about that?
Do we at least get a syntax error there? Nope: empty statement, like in C.


Blank lines improve readability by setting off sections of code that are logically related.

Blank spaces should be used in the following circumstances:

  • A keyword followed by ( (left parenthesis) should be separated by a space.
    while (true) {
  • A blank space should not be used between a function value and its ( (left parenthesis). This helps to distinguish between keywords and function invocations.
  • All binary operators except . (period) and ( (left parenthesis) and [ (left bracket) should be separated from their operands by a space.
  • No space should separate a unary operator and its operand except when the operator is a word such as typeof.
  • Each ; (semicolon) in the control part of a for statement should be followed with a space.
  • Whitespace should follow every , (comma).

Tabs and Indenting

The unit of indentation is three spaces.
Use of tabs should be avoided because (as of this writing in the 21st Century) there still is not a standard for the placement of tab stops.
The use of spaces can produce a larger file size, but the size is not significant over local networks, and the difference is eliminated by minification.

Line Length

Avoid lines longer than 80 characters. When a statement will not fit on a single line, it may be necessary to break it.
Place the break after an operator, ideally after a comma.
A break after an operator decreases the likelihood that a copy-paste error will be masked by semicolon insertion.
The next line should be indented six spaces.

Language Usage

Access To Members

In JavaScript we don’t have access modifiers like we do in classical languages.

In saying that, we can and should still control the accessibility of our members, and keep as much of our objects information secret to outsiders.
We can apply public, private and Privileged access.


Members created in the Constructor using the dot notation

function Container(param) {
    this.member = param;

So, if we construct a new object

var myContainer = new Container('abc');

then myContainer.member contains 'abc'.

In the prototype we can add a public method.
To add a public method to all objects made by a constructor, add a function to the constructor’s prototype:

Container.prototype.stamp = function (string) {
    return this.member + string;

We can then invoke the method


which produces 'abcdef'.


Ordinary vars and parameters of the constructor becomes the private members

function Container(param) {
    this.member = param;
    var secret = 3;
    var that = this;

param, secret, and that are private member variables.
They are not accessible to the outside.
They are not even accessible to the objects own public methods.

They are accessible to private methods
Private methods are inner functions of the constructor.

function Container(param) {

    this.member = param; // param is private, member is public
    var secret = 3;      // secret is private
    var that = this;     // that is private
    function dec() {     // dec is private
        var innerFunction = function () {
            that.value = someCrazyValue;  // when dec is called, value will be a member of the newly constructed Container instance.

        if (secret > 0) {
            secret -= 1;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

A method (which is a function that belongs to an object) cannot employ an inner function to help it do its work because the inner function does not
share the method’s access to the object as its this is bound to the global object. This was a mistake in the design of the language.
Had the language been designed correctly, when the inner function is invoked, this would still be bound to the this variable of the outer function.
The work around for this is to define a variable and assign it the value of this.
By convention, the name of that variable I use is that.

  • Private methods cannot be called by public methods. To make private methods useful, we need to introduce a privileged method.

A privileged method is able to access the private variables and methods, and is itself accessible to the public methods and the outside. It is possible to delete or replace a privileged method, but it is not possible to alter it, or to force it to give up its secrets.

Privileged methods are assigned with this within the constructor.

function Container(param) {

    this.member = param;
    var secret = 3;
    var that = this;

    function dec() {
        if (secret > 0) {
            secret -= 1;
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

    this.service = function () { // prefix with this to assign a function to be a privileged method
        if (dec()) {
            return that.member;
        } else {
            return null;

service is a privileged method. Calling myContainer.service() will return 'abc' the first three times it is called. After that, it will return null. service calls the private dec method which accesses the private secret variable. service is available to other objects and methods, but it does not allow direct access to the private members.

eval is Evil

The eval function is the most misused feature of JavaScript. Avoid it.
eval has aliases. Do not use the Function constructor. Do not pass strings to setTimeout or setInterval.

Global Abatement

JavaScript makes it easy to define global variables that can hold all of the assets of your application.
Unfortunately, global variables weaken the resiliency of programs and should be avoided.

One way to minimize the use of global variables is to create a single global variable
for your application:

var KimsGlobal = {};

That variable then becomes the container for your application:

KimsGlobal.Calculate = {
    calculatorOutPutArray: [
    jQueryObjectCounter: 0,
    jQueryDOMElementCounter: 0

KimsGlobal.NavigateCalculator = {
    currentStepId: stepId,
    step: 'step' + stepId,
    stepSelector: = '#' + step,

By reducing your global footprint to a single name, you significantly reduce the chance of bad interactions with other applications, widgets, or libraries.
Your program also becomes easier to read because it is obvious that KimsGlobal.Calculate refers to a top-level structure.

Using closure for information hiding is another effective global abatement technique.

var digit_name = (function() {
  var names = ['zero', 'one', 'two', ...];
  return function (n) {
    return names[n];

Using the Module patterns explains this in detail.


JavaScript scoping is different to classical languages, and can take some getting used to for programmers used to languages such as C, C++, C#, Java.
Classical languages like the before mentioned have block scope.
JavaScript has function scope. Although ES6 is bringing in block scoping with the let keyword.

In the following example “10” will be alerted.
var foo = 1; // foo is defined in global scope.
function bar() {
    if (!foo) { // The foo variable of the bar scope has been hoisted directly above this if statement, but the assignment has not. So it is unassigned (undefined).
        var foo = 10;
In the following example “1” will be alerted.
var a = 1;
function b() {
    a = 10;
    function a() {}
In the following example Firebug will show 1, 2, 2.
var x = 1;
console.log(x); // 1
if (true) {
    var x = 2;
    console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 2

In JavaScript, blocks such as if statements, do not create new scope. Only functions create new scope.

There is a workaround though 😉
JavaScript has Closure.
If you need to create a temporary scope within a function, do the following.

function foo() {
    var x = 1;
    if (x) {
        (function () {
            var x = 2;
            // some other code
    // x is still 1.

Line 3: begins a closure
Line 6: the closure invokes itself with ()



function declaration or function statement are the same thing.
function expression or variable declaration with function assignment are the same thing.

A function statement looks like the following:

function foo( ) {}

A function expression looks like the following:

var foo = function foo( ) {};

A function expression must not start with the word “function”.

//anonymous function expression
var a = function () {
    return 3;

//named function expression
var a = function bar() {
    return 3;

//self invoking named function expression. This is also a closure
(function sayHello() {

//self invoking anonymous function expression. This is also a closure
(function ( ) {
    var hidden_variable;
    // This function can have some impact on
    // the environment, but introduces no new
    // global variables.
}() );

In JavaScript, a name enters a scope in one of four basic ways:

  1. Language-defined: All scopes are, by default, given the names this and arguments.
  2. Formal parameters: Functions can have named formal parameters, which are scoped to the body of that function.
  3. Function declarations: These are of the form function foo() {}.
  4. Variable declarations: These take the form var foo;.

Function declarations and variable declarations are always hoisted invisibly to the top of their containing scope by the JavaScript interpreter.
Function parameters and language-defined names are, obviously, already there. This means that code like this:

function foo() {
    var x = 1;

Is actually interpreted like this:

function foo() {
    var x;
    x = 1;

It turns out that it doesn’t matter whether the line that contains the declaration would ever be executed. The following two functions are equivalent:

function foo() {
    if (false) {
        var x = 1;
    var y = 1;
function foo() {
    var x, y;
    if (false) {
        x = 1;
    y = 1;

The assignment portion of the declaration is not hoisted.
Only the identifier is hoisted.
This is not the case with function declarations, where the entire function body will be hoisted as well,
but remember that there are two normal ways to declare functions. Consider the following JavaScript:

function test() {
    foo(); // TypeError 'foo is not a function'
    bar(); // 'this will run!'
    var foo = function () { // function expression assigned to local variable 'foo'
        alert('this won't run!');
    function bar() { // function declaration, given the name 'bar'
        alert('this will run!');

In this case, only the function declaration has its body hoisted to the top. The name ‘foo’ is hoisted, but the body is left behind, to be assigned during execution.

Name Resolution Order

The most important special case to keep in mind is name resolution order. Remember that there are four ways for names to enter a given scope. The order I listed them above is the order they are resolved in. In general, if a name has already been defined, it is never overridden by another property of the same name. This means that a function declaration takes priority over a variable declaration. This does not mean that an assignment to that name will not work, just that the declaration portion will be ignored. There are a few exceptions:

  • The built-in name arguments behaves oddly. It seems to be declared following the formal parameters, but before function declarations. This means that a formal parameter with the name arguments will take precedence over the built-in, even if it is undefined. This is a bad feature. Don’t use the name arguments as a formal parameter.
  • Trying to use the name this as an identifier anywhere will cause a Syntax Error. This is a good feature.
  • If multiple formal parameters have the same name, the one occurring latest in the list will take precedence, even if it is undefined.

Additional hoisting examples on my blog

Now that you understand scoping and hoisting, what does that mean for coding in JavaScript?
The most important thing is to always declare your variables with var statements.
Declare your variables at the top of the scope (as already mentioned JavaScript only has function scope). See the Variable Declarations section.
If you force yourself to do this, you will never have hoisting-related confusion.
However, doing this can make it hard to keep track of which variables have actually been declared in the current scope.
I recommend using strict mode which will inform you if you have tried to use a variable without declaring it with var. If you’ve done all of this, your code should look something like this:

function foo(a, b, c) {
    'use strict';
    var x = 1;
    var bar;
    var baz = 'something';
    // other non hoistable code here


Always prefer Prototypal inheritance to Pseudo classical.

There are quite a few reasons why we shouldn’t use Pseudo classical inheritance in JavaScript.
JavaScript The Good Parts explains why.

In a purely prototypal pattern, we dispense with classes.
We focus instead on the objects.
Prototypal inheritance is conceptually simpler than classical inheritance.

I’ll show you three examples of prototypal inheritance, and explain the flaws and why the third attempt is the better way.

Example 1
function object(o) {
    function F() {}
    F.prototype = o;
    return new F();

The object function takes an existing object as a parameter and returns an empty new object that inherits from the old one.
The problem with the object function is that it is global, and globals are clearly problematic.

Example 2
Object.prototype.begetObject = function () {
    function F() {}
    F.prototype = this;
    return new F();

newObject = oldObject.begetObject();

The problem with Object.prototype.begetObject is that it trips up incompetent programs, and it can produce unexpected results when begetObject is overridden.

Example 3
if (typeof Object.create !== 'function') {
    Object.create = function (o) {
        function F() {}
        F.prototype = o;
        return new F();
newObject = Object.create(oldObject);

Example 3 overcomes the problems with the previous prototypical examples.
This is how Object.create works in ES5


Use {} instead of new Object(). Use [] instead of new Array(). There are instances where using new allows compiler optimisations to be performed. Learn what happens when you use new in different scenarios and test.


Plus Minus

Be careful to not follow a + with + or ++. This pattern can be confusing. Insert parens between them to make your intention clear.

total = subtotal + +myInput.value;

is better written as

total = subtotal + (+myInput.value);

so that the + + is not misread as ++.

By default use the === operator rather than the == operator.
By default use the !== operator rather than the != operator.

JavaScript has two sets of equality operators: === and !==, and their (as Douglas Crockford puts it) evil twins == and
!=. The === and !== ones work the way you would expect. If the two operands are of the
same type and have the same value, then === produces true and !== produces false.
The other ones do the right thing when the operands are of the same type, but if they
are of different types, they attempt to coerce the values.
Make sure this is what you need rather than just blindly using the shorter form.
These are some of the interesting cases:

'' == '0'          // false
0 == ''            // true
0 == '0'           // true
false == 'false'   // false
false == '0'       // true
false == undefined // false
false == null      // false
null == undefined  // true
' \t\r\n ' == 0    // true



Module presents an interface but hides its state and implementation.
Takes advantage of function scope and closure to create relationships that are binding and private.
Eliminate the use of global variables. It promotes information hiding and other good design practices.

Global Import

JavaScript has a feature known as implied globals.
Whenever a name is used, the interpreter walks the scope chain backwards looking for a var statement for that name.
If none is found, that variable is assumed to be global.
If it’s used in an assignment, the global is created if it doesn’t already exist.
This means that using or creating global variables in an anonymous closure is easy.
Unfortunately, this leads to hard-to-manage code, as it’s not obvious (to humans) which variables are global in a given file.

Luckily, our anonymous function provides an easy alternative.
By passing globals as parameters to our anonymous function, we import them into our code, which is both clearer and faster than implied globals.

(function ($, YAHOO) {
    // now have access to globals jQuery (as $) and YAHOO in this code
}(jQuery, YAHOO));
Module Export

Sometimes you don’t just want to use globals, but you want to declare them. We can easily do this by exporting them, using the anonymous function’s return value.

var MODULE = (function () {
    var my = {},
        privateVariable = 1;

    function privateMethod() {
        // ...

    my.moduleProperty = 1;
    my.moduleMethod = function () {
        // ...

    return my;

Notice that we’ve declared a global module named MODULE, with two public properties:
a method named MODULE.moduleMethodand a variable named MODULE.moduleProperty.
In addition, it maintains private internal state using the closure of the anonymous function.
Also, we can easily import needed globals, using the pattern we learned above.


One limitation of the module pattern so far is that the entire module must be in one file.
Anyone who has worked in a large code-base understands the value of splitting among multiple files.
Luckily, we have a nice solution to augment modules.
First, we import the module, then we add properties, then we export it.
Here’s an example, augmenting our MODULE from above:

var MODULE = (function (my) {
    my.anotherMethod = function () {
        // added method...

    return my;

Use the var keyword again.
After this code has run, our module will have gained a new public method named MODULE.anotherMethod.
This augmentation file will also maintain its own private internal state and imports.

Loose Augmentation

While our example above requires our initial module creation to be first, and the augmentation to happen second, that isn’t always necessary.
One of the best things a JavaScript application can do for performance is to load scripts asynchronously.
We can create flexible multi-part modules that can load themselves in any order with loose augmentation.
Each file should have the following structure:

var MODULE = (function (my) {
    // add capabilities...

    return my;
}(MODULE || {}));

The import will create the module if it doesn’t already exist.
This means you can use a library like require.js and load all of your module files in parallel, without needing to block.
preferably not more than 2 to 3 at a time, else performance will degrade

Tight Augmentation

While loose augmentation is great, it does place some limitations on your module.
Most importantly, you cannot override module properties safely.
You also cannot use module properties from other files during initialization (but you can at run-time after intialization).
Tight augmentation implies a set loading order, but allows overrides.
Here is a simple example (augmenting our original MODULE):

var MODULE = (function (my) {
    var old_moduleMethod = my.moduleMethod;

    my.moduleMethod = function () {
        // method override, has access to old through old_moduleMethod...

    return my;

Here we’ve overridden MODULE.moduleMethod, but maintain a reference to the original method, if needed.

Cloning and Inheritance
var MODULE_TWO = (function (old) {
    var my = {},
    var key;

    for (key in old) {
        if (old.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            my[key] = old[key];

    var super_moduleMethod = old.moduleMethod;
    my.moduleMethod = function () {
        // override method on the clone, access to super through super_moduleMethod

    return my;

This pattern is perhaps the least flexible option. It does allow some neat compositions, but that comes at the expense of flexibility.
As I’ve written it, properties which are objects or functions will not be duplicated, they will exist as one object with two references.
Changing one will change the other.
This could be fixed for objects with a recursive cloning process, but probably cannot be fixed for functions, except perhaps with eval.

MODULE.sub = (function () {
    var my = {};
    // ...

    return my;


Simple Statements

Each line should contain at most one statement.
Put a ; (semicolon) at the end of every simple statement.
Note that an assignment statement which is assigning a function literal or object literal is still an assignment statement and must end with a semicolon.

JavaScript allows any expression to be used as a statement.
This can mask some errors, particularly in the presence of semicolon insertion.
The only expressions that should be used as statements are assignments and invocations.

Compound Statements

Compound statements are statements that contain lists of statements enclosed in { } (curly braces).

  • The enclosed statements should be indented four more spaces.
  • The { (left curly brace) should be at the end of the line that begins the compound statement.
  • The } (right curly brace) should begin a line and be indented to align with the beginning of the line containing the matching { (left curly brace).
  • Braces should be used around all statements, even single statements, when they are part of a control structure, such as an if or for statement. This makes it easier to add statements without accidentally introducing bugs.
Say no to labelling Statement labels are optional. Only these statements should be labelled: while, do, for, switch. Or better still don’t use labelling.
return Statement

A return statement with a value should not use ( ) (parentheses) around the value.
The return value expression must start on the same line as the return keyword in order to avoid semicolon insertion.

if Statement

The if class of statements should have the following form:

if (condition) {

if (condition) {
} else {

if (condition) {
} else if (condition) {
} else {

Avoid doing assignments in the condition part of if and while statements.


if (a = b) {

a correct statement? Or was

if (a === b) {

intended? Avoid constructs that cannot easily be determined to be correct.

Also see the Equality section

for Statement

A for class of statements should have the following form:

for (initialisation; condition; update) {

for (variable in object) {
    if (filter) {

The first form should be used with arrays and with loops of a predetermined number of iterations.

The second form should be used with objects.
Be aware that members that are added to the prototype of the object will be included in the enumeration.
It is wise to program defensively by using the hasOwnProperty method to distinguish the true members of the object:

for (variable in object) {
    if (object.hasOwnProperty(variable)) {
while Statement

A while statement should have the following form:

while (condition) {
do Statement

A do statement should have the following form:

do {
} while (condition);

Unlike the other compound statements, the do statement always ends with a ; (semicolon).

switch Statement

A switch statement should have the following form:

switch (expression) {
case expression:

Each case is aligned with the switch. This avoids over-indentation.
Each group of statements (except the default) should end with break, return, or throw. Do not fall through.

Or better, use the following form from Angus Crolls blog post

Procedural way to do the construct

var whatToBring;
switch(weather) {
    case 'Sunny':
        whatToBring = 'Sunscreen and hat';
    case 'Rain':
        whatToBring  ='Umbrella and boots';
    case 'Cold':
        whatToBring = 'Scarf and Gloves';
    default : whatToBring = 'Play it by ear';

OO way to do the construct

var whatToBring = {
    'Sunny' : 'Sunscreen and hat',
    'Rain' : 'Umbrella and boots',
    'Cold' : 'Scarf and Gloves',
    'Default' : 'Play it by ear'

var gear = whatToBring[weather] || whatToBring['Default'];
try Statement

The try class of statements should have the following form:

try {
} catch (variable) {

try {
} catch (variable) {
} finally {
continue Statement

Avoid use of the continue statement. It tends to obscure the control flow of the function.

with Statement

Why it shouldn’t be used.

Why it should be used.

with statement Both points are valid. Understand how it works before you use it. It aint going to work with strict mode anyway, for good reason IMHO.

Function Declarations

  • All functions should be declared before they are used.
  • Inner functions should follow the var statement. This helps make it clear what variables are included in its scope.
  • There should be no space between the name of a function and the ( (left parenthesis) of its parameter list.
  • There should be one space between the ) (right parenthesis) and the { (left curly brace) that begins the statement body.
    The body itself is indented four spaces.
    The } (right curly brace) is aligned with the line containing the beginning of the declaration of the function.

This convention works well with JavaScript because in JavaScript, functions and object literals can be placed anywhere that an expression is allowed.
It provides the best readability with inline functions and complex structures.

function getElementsByClassName(className) {
    var results = [];
    walkTheDOM(document.body, function (node) {
        var a; // array of class names
        var c = node.className; // the node's classname
        var i; // loop counter

// If the node has a class name, then split it into a list of simple names.
// If any of them match the requested name, then append the node to the set of results.

        if (c) {
            a = c.split(' ');
            for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) {
                if (ai === className) {
    return results;

If a function literal is anonymous, there should be one space between the word function and the ( (left parenthesis).
If the space is omitted, then it can appear that the function’s name is function, which is an incorrect reading.

div.onclick = function (e) {
   return false;

that = {
    method: function () {
         return this.datum;
    datum: 0

When a function is to be invoked immediately,
the entire invocation expression should be wrapped in parens so that it is clear that the value being produced is the result of the function and not the function itself.

var collection = (function () {
    var keys = [], values = [];

    return {
    get: function (key) {
        var at = keys.indexOf(key);
        if (at >= 0) {
             return values[at];
    set: function (key, value) {
        var at = keys.indexOf(key);
        if (at < 0) {
            at = keys.length;
        keysat = key;
        valuesat = value;
    remove: function (key) {
        var at = keys.indexOf(key);
        if (at >= 0) {
            keys.splice(at, 1);
            values.splice(at, 1); }

Variable Declarations

All variables should be declared before used.
JavaScript does not require this, but doing so makes the program easier to read and makes it easier to detect undeclared variables that become implied globals.
If you get into the habit of using strict mode, you’ll get pulled up on this anyway.
Implied global variables should never be used.

The var statements should be the first statements in the function body.

It is preferred that each variable be given its own line. They should be listed in alphabetical order.

var currentSelectedTableEntry;
var indentationlevel;
var sizeOfTable;

JavaScript does not have block scope (see Scope section), so defining variables in blocks can confuse programmers who are experienced with other C family languages.

  • Define all variables at the top of the function.
  • Use of global variables should be minimized.
  • Implied global variables should never be used.


Moving to TDD

December 1, 2012

My last employers software development team recently took up the challenge of writing their tests before writing the functionality for which the test was written. In software development, this is known as Test Driven Development or TDD.

TDD is a hard concept to get developers to embrace. It’s often as much of a paradigm shift as persuading a procedural programmer to start creating Object Oriented designs. Some never get it. Fortunately we had a very talented bunch of developers, and they’ve taken to it like fish to water.

The first thing to clear up is that TDD is not primarily about testing, but rather it forces the developer to write code that is testable (the fact the code has tests written for it and running regularly is a side effect, albeit a very positive one).

This is why there is often some confusion about TDD and the fact it or its derivatives (BDD, ATDD, AAT, etc.) are primarily focused on creating well designed software. Code that is testable must be modular, which provides good separation of concerns.

  • Testing is about measuring where the quality is currently at.
  • TDD and its derivatives are about building the quality in from the start.

red green refactor

TDD concentrates on writing a unit test for the routine we are about to create before it’s created. A developer writes code that acts as a low-level specification (the test) that will be run on the routine, to confirm that the routine does what we expect it will do.

To unit test a routine, we must be able to break out the routines dependencies and separate them. If we don’t do this, the hierarchy of calls often grows exponentially.


  1. We end up testing far more than we want or need to.
  2. The complexity gets out of hand.
  3. The test takes longer to execute than it needs to.
  4. Thus, the tests don’t get run as often as they should because we developers have to wait, and we live in an instant society.

This allows us to ignore how the dependencies behave and concentrate on a single routine. There are a number of concepts we can instantiate to help with this.

We can use:

Although TDD isn’t primarily about testing, its sole purpose is to create solid, well designed, extensible and scalable software. TDD encourages and in some cases forces us down the path of the SOLID principles, because to test each routine, each routine must be able to stand on its own.

SOLID principles

So what does SOLID give us? SOLID stands for:

  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open Closed Principle
  • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle

Single Responsibility Principle

  • Each class should have one and only one reason to change.
  • Each class should do one thing and do it well.

Single Responsibility Principle

Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.

Open Closed Principle

  • A class’s behaviour should be able to be extended without modifying it.
  • There are several ways to achieve this. Some of which are polymorphism via inheritance, aggregation, wrapping.

Liskov Substitution Principle

Interface Segregation Principle

  • When an interface consists of too many members, it should be split into smaller and more specific (to the client’s needs) interfaces, so that clients using the interface only use the members applicable to them.
  • A client should not have to know about all the extra interface members they don’t use.
  • This encourages systems to be decoupled and thus more easily re-factored, extended and scaled.

Dependency Inversion Principle

  • Often implemented in the form of the Dependency Injection Pattern via the more specific Inversion of Control Principle (IoC). In some circles, known as the Hollywood Principle… Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

TDD assists in the monitoring of technical debt and streamlines the path to quality design.

Additional info on optimizing your team’s testing effort can be found here.