Posts Tagged ‘kali’

Lack of Visibility in Web Applications

November 26, 2015


I see this as an indirect risk to the asset of web application ownership (That’s the assumption that you will always own your web application).

Not being able to introspect your application at any given time or being able to know how the health status is, is not a comfortable place to be in and there is no reason you should be there.

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring


Can you tell at any point in time if someone or something is:

  • Using your application in a way that it was not intended to be used
  • Violating policy. For example circumventing client side input sanitisation.

How easy is it for you to notice:

  • Poor performance and potential DoS?
  • Abnormal application behaviour or unexpected logic threads
  • Logic edge cases and blind spots that stake holders, Product Owners and Developers have missed?


As Bruce Schneier said: “Detection works where prevention fails and detection is of no use without response“. This leads us to application logging.

With good visibility we should be able to see anticipated and unanticipated exploitation of vulnerabilities as they occur and also be able to go back and review the events.

Insufficient Logging


When it comes to logging in NodeJS, you can’t really go past winston. It has a lot of functionality and what it does not have is either provided by extensions, or you can create your own. It is fully featured, reliable and easy to configure like NLog in the .NET world.

I also looked at express-winston, but could not see why it needed to exist.

   "dependencies": {
      "config": "^1.15.0",
      "express": "^4.13.3",
      "morgan": "^1.6.1",
      "//": "nodemailer not strictly necessary for this example,",
      "//": "but used later under the node-config section.",
      "nodemailer": "^1.4.0",
      "//": "What we use for logging.",
      "winston": "^1.0.1",
      "winston-email": "0.0.10",
      "winston-syslog-posix": "^0.1.5",

winston-email also depends on nodemailer.

Opening UDP port

with winston-syslog seems to be what a lot of people are using. I think it may be due to the fact that winston-syslog is the first package that works well for winston and syslog.

If going this route, you will need the following in your /etc/rsyslog.conf:

$ModLoad imudp
# Listen on all network addresses. This is the default.
# Listen on localhost.
$UDPServerRun 514
# Or the new style configuration.
Address <IP>
Port <port>
# Logging for your app.
local0.* /var/log/yourapp.log

I Also looked at winston-rsyslog2 and winston-syslogudp, but they did not measure up for me.

If you do not need to push syslog events to another machine, then it does not make much sense to push through a local network interface when you can use your posix syscalls as they are faster and safer. Line 7 below shows the open port.

root@kali:~# nmap -p514 -sU -sV <target IP> --reason

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( )
Nmap scan report for kali (<target IP>)
Host is up, received arp-response (0.0015s latency).
514/udp open|filtered syslog no-response
MAC Address: 34:25:C9:96:AC:E0 (My Computer)

Using Posix

The winston-syslog-posix package was inspired by blargh. winston-syslog-posix uses node-posix.

If going this route, you will need the following in your /etc/rsyslog.conf instead of the above:

# Logging for your app.
local0.* /var/log/yourapp.log

Now you can see on line 7 below that the syslog port is no longer open:

root@kali:~# nmap -p514 -sU -sV <target IP> --reason

Starting Nmap 6.47 ( )
Nmap scan report for kali (<target IP>)
Host is up, received arp-response (0.0014s latency).
514/udp closed syslog port-unreach
MAC Address: 34:25:C9:96:AC:E0 (My Computer)

Logging configuration should not be in the application startup file. It should be in the configuration files. This is discussed further under the Store Configuration in Configuration files section.

Notice the syslog transport in the configuration below starting on line 39.

module.exports = {
   logger: {
      colours: {
         debug: 'white',
         info: 'green',
         notice: 'blue',
         warning: 'yellow',
         error: 'yellow',
         crit: 'red',
         alert: 'red',
         emerg: 'red'
      // Syslog compatible protocol severities.
      levels: {
         debug: 0,
         info: 1,
         notice: 2,
         warning: 3,
         error: 4,
         crit: 5,
         alert: 6,
         emerg: 7
      consoleTransportOptions: {
         level: 'debug',
         handleExceptions: true,
         json: false,
         colorize: true
      fileTransportOptions: {
         level: 'debug',
         filename: './yourapp.log',
         handleExceptions: true,
         json: true,
         maxsize: 5242880, //5MB
         maxFiles: 5,
         colorize: false
      syslogPosixTransportOptions: {
         handleExceptions: true,
         level: 'debug',
         identity: 'yourapp_winston'
         //facility: 'local0' // default
            // /etc/rsyslog.conf also needs: local0.* /var/log/yourapp.log
            // If non posix syslog is used, then /etc/rsyslog.conf or one
            // of the files in /etc/rsyslog.d/ also needs the following
            // two settings:
            // $ModLoad imudp // Load the udp module.
            // $UDPServerRun 514 // Open the standard syslog port.
            // $UDPServerAddress // Interface to bind to.
      emailTransportOptions: {
         handleExceptions: true,
         level: 'crit',
         from: '',
         to: '',
         service: 'FastMail',
         auth: {
            user: "yourusername_alerts",
            pass: null // App specific password.
         tags: ['yourapp']

In development I have chosen here to not use syslog. You can see this on line 3 below. If you want to test syslog in development, you can either remove the logger object override from the devbox1-development.js file or modify it to be similar to the above. Then add one line to the /etc/rsyslog.conf file to turn on. As mentioned in a comment above in the default.js config file on line 44.

module.exports = {
   logger: {
      syslogPosixTransportOptions: null

In production we log to syslog and because of that we do not need the file transport you can see configured starting on line 30 above in the default.js configuration file, so we set it to null as seen on line 6 below in the prodbox-production.js file.

I have gone into more depth about how we handle syslogs here, where all of our logs including these ones get streamed to an off-site syslog server. Thus providing easy aggregation of all system logs into one user interface that DevOpps can watch on their monitoring panels in real-time and also easily go back in time to visit past events. This provides excellent visibility as one layer of defence.

There were also some other options for those using Papertrail as their off-site syslog and aggregation PaaS, but the solutions were not as clean as simply logging to local syslog from your applications and then sending off-site from there.

module.exports = {
   logger: {
      consoleTransportOptions: {
         level: {},
      fileTransportOptions: null,
      syslogPosixTransportOptions: {
         handleExceptions: true,
         level: 'info',
         identity: 'yourapp_winston'
// Build creates this file.
module.exports = {
   logger: {
      emailTransportOptions: {
         auth: {
            pass: 'Z-o?(7GnCQsnrx/!-G=LP]-ib' // App specific password.

The logger.js file wraps and hides extra features and transports applied to the logging package we are consuming.

var winston = require('winston');
var loggerConfig = require('config').logger;

winston.emitErrs = true;

var logger = new winston.Logger({
   // Alternatively: set to winston.config.syslog.levels
   exitOnError: false,
   // Alternatively use winston.addColors(customColours); There are many ways
   // to do the same thing with winston
   colors: loggerConfig.colours,
   levels: loggerConfig.levels

// Add transports. There are plenty of options provided and you can add your own.

logger.addConsole = function(config) {
   logger.add (winston.transports.Console, config);
   return this;

logger.addFile = function(config) {
   logger.add (winston.transports.File, config);
   return this;

logger.addPosixSyslog = function(config) {
   logger.add (winston.transports.SyslogPosix, config);
   return this;

logger.addEmail = function(config) {
   logger.add (winston.transports.Email, config);
   return this;

logger.emailLoggerFailure = function (err /*level, msg, meta*/) {
   // If called with an error, then only the err param is supplied.
   // If not called with an error, level, msg and meta are supplied.
   if (err) logger.alert(
         'error-code:' + err.code + '. '
         + 'error-message:' + err.message + '. '
         + 'error-response:' + err.response + '. logger-level:'
         + err.transport.level + '. transport:' +

logger.init = function () {
   if (loggerConfig.fileTransportOptions)
      logger.addFile( loggerConfig.fileTransportOptions );
   if (loggerConfig.consoleTransportOptions)
      logger.addConsole( loggerConfig.consoleTransportOptions );
   if (loggerConfig.syslogPosixTransportOptions)
      logger.addPosixSyslog( loggerConfig.syslogPosixTransportOptions );
   if (loggerConfig.emailTransportOptions)
      logger.addEmail( loggerConfig.emailTransportOptions );

module.exports = logger; = {
   write: function (message, encoding) {;

When the app first starts it initialises the logger on line 7 below.

var express = require('express');
var morganLogger = require('morgan');
var logger = require('./util/logger'); // Or use requireFrom module so no relative paths.
var app = express();
app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');
app.set('view engine', 'jade');
// In order to utilise connect/express logger module in our third party logger,
// Pipe the messages through.
app.use(morganLogger('combined', {stream:}));
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));

if ('development' == app.get('env')) {
   app.use(errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true }));
if ('production' == app.get('env')) {

http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function(){
      "Express server listening on port " + app.get('port') + ' in '
      + process.env.NODE_ENV + ' mode'

* You can also optionally log JSON metadata
* You can provide an optional callback to do any work required, which will be called once all transports have logged the specified message.

Here are some examples of how you can use the logger. The logger.log(<level> can be replaced with logger.<level>( where level is any of the levels defined in the default.js configuration file above:

// With string interpolation also.
logger.log('info', 'test message %s', 'my string');
logger.log('info', 'test message %d', 123);
logger.log('info', 'test message %j', {aPropertyName: 'Some message details'}, {});
logger.log('info', 'test message %s, %s', 'first', 'second', {aPropertyName: 'Some message details'});
logger.log('info', 'test message', 'first', 'second', {aPropertyName: 'Some message details'});
logger.log('info', 'test message %s, %s', 'first', 'second', {aPropertyName: 'Some message details'}, logger.emailLoggerFailure);
logger.log('info', 'test message', 'first', 'second', {aPropertyName: 'Some message details'}, logger.emailLoggerFailure);

Also consider hiding cross cutting concerns like logging using Aspect Oriented Programing (AOP)

Insufficient Monitoring


There are a couple of ways of approaching monitoring. You may want to see the health of your application even if it is all fine, or only to be notified if it is not fine (sometimes called the dark cockpit approach).

Monit is an excellent tool for the dark cockpit approach. It’s easy to configure. Has excellent short documentation that is easy to understand and the configuration file has lots of examples commented out ready for you to take as is and modify to suite your environment. I’ve personally had excellent success with Monit.


Risks that Solution Causes

Lack of Visibility

With the added visibility, you will have to make decisions based on the new found information you now have. There will be no more blissful ignorance if there was before.

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

There will be learning and work to be done to become familiar with libraries and tooling. Code will have to be written around logging as in wrapping libraries, initialising and adding logging statements or hiding them using AOP.


Costs and Trade-offs

Insufficient Logging and Monitoring

You can do a lot for little cost here. I would rather trade off a few days work in order to have a really good logging system through your code base that is going to show you errors fast in development and then show you different errors in the places your DevOps need to see them in production.

Same for monitoring. Find a tool that you find working with a pleasure. There are just about always free and open source tools to every commercial alternative. If you are working with a start-up or young business, the free and open source tools can be excellent to keep ongoing costs down. Especially mature tools that are also well maintained like Monit.

Additional Resources

Web Server Log Management

April 25, 2015

As part of the ongoing work around preparing a Debian web server to host applications accessible from the WWW I performed some research, analysis, made decisions along the way and implemented a first stage logging strategy. I’ve done similar set-ups many times before, but thought it worth sharing my experience for all to learn something from it and/or provide input, recommendations, corrections to the process so we all get to improve.

The main system loggers I looked into

  • GNU syslogd which I don’t think is being developed anymore? Correct me if I’m wrong. Most Linux distributions no longer ship with this. Only supports UDP. It’s also a bit lacking in features. From what I gather is single-threaded. I didn’t spend long looking at this as there wasn’t much point. The following two offerings are the main players.
  • rsyslog: which ships with Debian and most other Linux distros now I believe. I like to do as little as possible and rsyslog fits this description for me. The documentation seems pretty good. Rainer Gerhards wrote rsyslog and his blog provides some good insights. Supports UDP, TCP. Can send over TLS. There is also the Reliable Event Logging Protocol (RELP) which Rainer created.
    rsyslog is great at gathering, transporting, storing log messages and includes some really neat functionality for dividing the logs. It’s not designed to alert on logs. That’s where the likes of Simple Event Correlator (SEC) comes in. Rainer discusses why TCP isn’t as reliable as many think here.
  • syslog-ng: I didn’t spend to long here, as I didn’t see any features that I needed that were better than the default of rsyslog. Can correlate log messages, both real-time and off-line. Supports reliable and encrypted transport using TCP and TLS. message filtering, sorting, pre-processing, log normalisation.

There are are few comparisons around. Most of the ones I’ve seen are a bit biased and often out of date.


  • Record events and have them securely transferred to another syslog server in real-time, or as close to it as possible, so that potential attackers don’t have time to modify them on the local system before they’re replicated to another location
  • Reliability (resilience / ability to recover connectivity)
  • Extensibility: ability to add more machines and be able to aggregate events from many sources on many machines
  • Receive notifications from the upstream syslog server of specific events. No HIDS is going to remove the need to reinstall your system if you are not notified in time and an attacker plants and activates their root-kit.
  • Receive notifications from the upstream syslog server of lack of events. The network is down for example.

Environmental Considerations

A couple of servers in the mix:

FreeNAS File Server

Recent versions can send their syslog events to a syslog server. With some work, it looks like FreeNAS can be setup to act as a syslog server.

pfSense Router

Can send log events, but only by UDP by the look of it.

Following are the two strategies that emerged. You can see by the detail that I went down the path of the first one initially. It was the path of least resistance / quickest to setup. I’m going to be moving away from papertrail toward strategy two. Mainly because I’ve had a few issues where messages have been getting lost that have been very hard to track down (I’ve spent over a week on it). As the sender, you have no insight into what papertrail is doing. The support team don’t provide a lot of insight into their service when you have to trouble-shoot things. They have been as helpful as they can be, but I’ve expressed concern around them being unable to trouble-shoot their own services.


Strategy One

Rsyslog, TCP, local queuing, TLS, papertrail for your syslog server (PT doesn’t support RELP, but say that’s because their clients haven’t seen any issues with reliability in using plain TCP over TLS with local queuing). My guess is they haven’t looked hard enough. I must be the first then. Beware!

As I was setting this up and watching both ends. We had an internet outage of just over an hour. At that stage we had very few events being generated, so it was trivial to verify both ends. I noticed that once the ISP’s router was back on-line and the events from the queue moved to papertrail, that there was in fact one missing.

Why did Rainer Gerhards create RELP if TCP with queues was good enough? That was a question that was playing on me for a while. In the end, it was obvious that TCP without RELP isn’t good enough.
At this stage it looks like the queues may loose messages. Rainer says things like “In rsyslog, every action runs on its own queue and each queue can be set to buffer data if the action is not ready. Of course, you must be able to detect that the action is not ready, which means the remote server is off-line. This can be detected with plain TCP syslog and RELP“, but it can be detected without RELP.

You can aggregate log files with rsyslog or by using papertrails remote_syslog daemon.

Alerting is available, including for inactivity of events.

Papertrails documentation is good and support is reasonable. Due to the huge amounts of traffic they have to deal with, they are unable to trouble-shoot any issues you may have. If you still want to go down the papertrail path, to get started, work through this which sets up your rsyslog to use UDP (specified in the /etc/rsyslog.conf by a single ampersand in front of the target syslog server). I want something more reliable than that, so I use two ampersands, which specifies TCP.

As we’re going to be sending our logs over the internet for now, we need TLS. Check papertrails CA server bundle for integrity:

curl | md5sum

Should be: c75ce425e553e416bde4e412439e3d09

If all good throw the contents of that URL into a file called papertrail-bundle.pem.
Then scp the papertrail-bundle.pem into the web servers /etc dir. The command for that will depend on whether you’re already on the web server and you want to pull, or whether you’re somewhere else and want to push. Then make sure the ownership is correct on the pem file.

chown root:root papertrail-bundle.pem

install rsyslog-gnutls

apt-get install rsyslog-gnutls

Add the TLS config

$DefaultNetstreamDriverCAFile /etc/papertrail-bundle.pem # trust these CAs
$ActionSendStreamDriver gtls # use gtls netstream driver
$ActionSendStreamDriverMode 1 # require TLS
$ActionSendStreamDriverAuthMode x509/name # authenticate by host-name
$ActionSendStreamDriverPermittedPeer *

to your /etc/rsyslog.conf. Create egress rule for your router to let traffic out to dest port 39871.

sudo service rsyslog restart

To generate a log message that uses your system syslogd config /etc/rsyslog.conf, run:

logger "hi"

should log “hi” to /var/log/messages and also to papertrail, but it wasn’t.

# Show a live update of the last 10 lines (by default) of /var/log/messages
sudo tail -f [-n <number of lines to tail>] /var/log/messages

OK, so lets run rsyslog in config checking mode:

/usr/sbin/rsyslogd -f /etc/rsyslog.conf -N1

Output all good looks like:

rsyslogd: version <the version number>, config validation run (level 1), master config /etc/rsyslog.conf
rsyslogd: End of config validation run. Bye.


  4. /usr/sbin/rsyslogd -version will provide the installed version and supported features.

Which didn’t help a lot, as I don’t have telnet installed. I can’t ping from the DMZ as ICMP is not allowed out and I’m not going to install tcpdump or strace on a production server. The more you have running, the more surface area you have, the greater the opportunities to exploit.

So how do we tell if rsyslogd is actually running if it doesn’t appear to be doing anything useful?

pidof rsyslogd


/etc/init.d/rsyslog status

Showing which files rsyslogd has open can be useful:

lsof -p <rsyslogd pid>

or just combine the results of pidof rsyslogd

sudo lsof -p $(pidof rsyslogd)

To start with I had a line like:

rsyslogd 3426 root 8u IPv4 9636 0t0 TCP <web server IP>:<sending port>-> (SYN_SENT)

Which obviously showed rsyslogd‘s SYN packets were not getting through. I’ve had some discussion with Troy from PT support around the reliability of plain TCP over TLS without RELP. I think if the server is business critical, then strategy two “maybe” the better option. Troy has assured me that they’ve never had any issues with logs being lost due to lack of reliability with out RELP. Troy also pointed me to their recommended local queue options. After adding the queue tweaks and a rsyslogd restart, it resulted in:

rsyslogd 3615 root 8u IPv4 9766 0t0 TCP <web server IP>:<sending port>-> (ESTABLISHED)

I could now see events in the papertrail web UI in real-time.

Socket Statistics (ss)(the better netstat) should also show the established connection.

By default papertrail accepts TCP over TLS (TLS encryption check-box on, Plain text check-box off) and UDP. So if your TLS isn’t setup properly, your events won’t be accepted by papertrail. I later confirmed this to be true.

Check that our Logs are Commuting over TLS

Now without installing anything on the web server or router, or physically touching the server sending packets to papertrail or the router. Using a switch (ubiquitous) rather than a hub. No wire tap or multi-network interfaced computer. No switch monitoring port available on expensive enterprise grade switches (along with the much needed access). We’re basically down to two approaches I can think of and I really couldn’t be bothered getting up out of my chair.

  1. MAC flooding with the help of macof which is a utility from the dsniff suite. This essentially causes your switch to go into a “failopen mode” where it acts like a hub and broadcasts it’s packets to every port.

    MAC Flooding

  2. Man in the Middle (MiTM) with some help from ARP spoofing or poisoning. I decided to choose the second option, as it’s a little more elegant.

    ARP Spoofing

On our MitM box, I set a static IP: address, netmask, gateway in /etc/network/interfaces and add domain, search and nameservers to the /etc/resolv.conf.

Follow that up with a service network-manager restart

On the web server run:

ifconfig -a

to get MAC: <MitM box MAC> On MitM box run the same command to get MAC: <web server MAC>
On web server run:

ip neighbour

to find MACs associated with IP’s (the local ARP table). Router was: <router MAC>.

myuser@webserver:~$ ip neighbour
<MitM box IP> dev eth0 lladdr <MitM box MAC> REACHABLE
<router IP> dev eth0 lladdr <router MAC> REACHABLE

Now you need to turn your MitM box into a router temporarily. On the MitM box run

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

You’ll see a ‘1’ if forwarding is on. If it’s not, throw a ‘1’ into the file:

echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

and check again to make sure. Now on the MitM box run

arpspoof -t <web server IP> <router IP>

This will continue to notify <web server IP> that our (MitM box) MAC address belongs to <router IP>. Essentially… we (MitM box) are <router IP> to the <web server IP> box, but our IP address doesn’t change. Now on the web server you can see that it’s ARP table has been updated and because arpspoof keeps running, it keeps telling <web server IP> that our MitM box is the router.

myuser@webserver:~$ ip neighbour
<MitM box IP> dev eth0 lladdr <MitM box MAC> STALE
<router IP> dev eth0 lladdr <MitM box MAC> REACHABLE

Now on our MitM box, while our arpspoof continues to run, we start Wireshark listening on our eth0 interface or what ever interface your using, and you can see that all packets that the web server is sending, we are intercepting and forwarding (routing) on to the gateway.

Now Wireshark clearly showed that the data was encrypted. I commented out the five TLS config lines in the /etc/rsyslog.conf file -> saved -> restarted rsyslog -> turned on “Plain text” in papertrail and could now see the messages in clear text. Now when I turned off “Plain text” papertrail would no longer accept syslog events. Excellent!

One of the nice things about arpspoof is that it re-applies the original ARP’s once it’s done.

You can also tell arpspoof to poison the routers ARP table. This way any traffic going to the web server via the router, not originating from the web server will be routed through our MitM box also.

Don’t forget to revert the change to /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward.

Exporting Wireshark Capture

You can use the File->Save As… option here for a collection of output types, or the way I usually do it is:

  1. First completely expand all the frames you want visible in your capture file
  2. File->Export Packet Dissections->as “Plain Text” file…
  3. Check the “All packets” check-box
  4. Check the “Packet summary line” check-box
  5. Check the “Packet details:” check-box and the “As displayed”
  6. OK

Trouble-shooting messages that papertrail never shows

To run rsyslogd in debug

Check to see which arguments get passed into rsyslogd to run as a daemon in /etc/init.d/rsyslog and /etc/default/rsyslog. You’ll probably see a RSYSLOGD_OPTIONS="". There may be some arguments between the quotes.

sudo service rsyslog stop
sudo /usr/sbin/rsyslogd [your options here] -dn >> ~/rsyslog-debug.log

The debug log can be quite useful for trouble-shooting. Also keep your eye on the stderr as you can see if it’s writing anything out (most system start-up scripts throw this away).
Once you’ve finished collecting log:

sudo service rsyslog start

To see if rsyslog is running

pidof rsyslogd
# or
/etc/init.d/rsyslog status
Turn on the impstats module

The stats it produces show when you run into errors with an output, and also the state of the queues.
You can also run impstats on the receiving machine if it’s in your control. Papertrail obviously is not.
Put the following into your rsyslog.conf file at the top and restart rsyslog:

# Turn on some internal counters to trouble-shoot missing messages

# need to turn log stream logging off
# End turn on some internal counters to trouble-shoot missing messages

Now if you get an error like:

rsyslogd-2039: Could not open output pipe '/dev/xconsole': No such file or directory [try ]

You can just change the /dev/xconsole to /dev/console
xconsole is still in the config file for legacy reasons, it should have been cleaned up by the package maintainers.

GnuTLS error in rsyslog-debug.log

By running rsyslogd manually in debug mode, I found an error when the message failed to send:

unexpected GnuTLS error -53 in nsd_gtls.c:1571

Standard Error when running rsyslogd manually produces:

GnuTLS error: Error in the push function

With some help from the GnuTLS mailing list:

That means that send() returned -1 for some reason.” You can enable more output by adding an environment variable GNUTLS_DEBUG_LEVEL=9 prior to running the application, and that should at least provide you with the errno. This didn’t actually provide any more detail to stderr. However, thanks to Rainer we do now have debug.gnutls parameter in the rsyslog code that if you specify this global variable in the rsyslog.conf and assign it a value between 0-10 you’ll have gnutls debug output going to rsyslog’s debug log.

Strategy Two

Rsyslog, TCP, local queuing, TLS, RELP, SEC, syslog server on local network. Notification for inactivity of events could be performed by cron and SEC?
LogAnalyzer also created by Rainer Gerhards (rsyslog author), but more work to setup than an on-line service you don’t have to setup. In saying that. You would have greater control and security which for me is the big win here.
Normalisation also looks like Rainer has his finger in this pie.

In theory Adding RELP to TCP with local queues is a step-up in terms of reliability. Others have said, the reliability of TCP over TLS with local queues is excellent anyway. I’ve yet to confirm it’s excellence. At the time of writing this post,I’m seriously considering moving toward RELP to help solve my reliability issues.

Additional Resource

gentoo rsyslog wiki